Tuesday, December 15, 2009


My name is ele vator. I was born in Djiboutich on september 12,1542. I am half elephant half vator(as in darth vator) I have 40 siblings,and 400 animals, well i collect them. I started collecting animals when i was only 3 years old. My favorite animals are the wild ones. When i was 13 i started growing a trunk. You may think that that was weird, but it came in handy, since we dont have showers in Djiboutich.

The only thing that my country is famous for is there

Monday, December 7, 2009

Things That Make You Go Hmmm...

Let it snow,let it snow,let it snow. Snow,snow wonderful snow,but what do we all know about snow. We know it comes from above, and we all have learned to love, all about that wonderful snow. Living in Louisiana, we do not get snow often, i guess that is why we love it so much. Since we love it so much, wouldn't it be great to actually know about it also. So, where does snow come from? Well snow crystals are born in clouds when water vapor freezes on a particle of dust,bacteria,or other solid materials. When cloud temperatures are at or below freezing,and there is a lot of moisture in the air,ice crystals form. Then as water vapor freezes it molds each shape of the snow flakes. Every snowflake is different and special in its own way. Isn't God amazing! Oh yeah and dont forget, never eat the yellow snow.

Friday, December 4, 2009

americas future:

americas future will be a cool place to live. you will have all this high tech stuff to play with. there will be alot of new things that we will discover. a down side to having all this technology, is that some people will become lazy, because of robots doing all our chores.

americas future:

americas future:

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Americas Present:

Today America is great. we are free and happy. we do though have some issues. starting off with politics, we need help in that, but that is just my opinion. also we have music,and high tech stuff. we are definitely more advanced than back in the day of the pilgrims.

we have more freedoms than in the past. plus it is a more enjoyable America now. since we have advanced, there are more things to do. i think that it is more exciting now then it was back then. you have more stuff do, more places to visit and to hang out at.

Americas present:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

americas present:

americas past:

Americas past was full of adventure,war,and pain. we went through alot just to get to where we are today. It all started with the Indians, then the pilgrims, and finally what we have today. Everything that happened in the past has helped us today.
we learn from the past.

you can learn alot from the past. you learn from the mistakes that you made, and the experiences that you have been through. hopfully from all of that you learn to get better at the things that you do.i guess in that since that is how we are what we are today.