Thursday, August 27, 2009

weird stories

Revelers paint Spanish town red in tomato fight:
who:40,000 people from as far as japan and australia
what:tomatoe food fight
when:august 26
where:bunol spain
why:to paint the town red
how:by throwing tomatoes at eachother

Bear Climbs Ladder To Escape Colorado Skate Park:
what:a bear escaping
when:tuesday morning
where:colorado state park
why:the bear wanted to escape
how:it climbed the ladder

Chicken Owner Shoots Own Leg While Hunting Opossum:
who:chicken owner
what:he shot himself
when:while hunting a opossum
where:Mount Vernon
why:to hunt opossuns
how:was in a hurry

Girl With 2 Hearts Amazes Doctors:
who:Hannah Clark
what:a girl surviving with 2 hearts
when:In 1994 when she was eight-months-old,In 1994 Hannah was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy
They did transplant febuary 2006.
where:British medical journal
why:to try to save her life
how:insted of replacing her older heart they just gave her an extra one

Ohio judge silences defendant with duct tape:
who:judge and the defendent
what:judge duck tapes his mouth shut to silence him
when:last thursday
why:the judge wanted to silence the defendent
how:by duck taping his mouth shut.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Some weird hotels

Berlin's Propeller Island City Lodge:
Each of the 30 rooms is weird in its own way.The artist-owner, Lars Stroschen, has seen to that.One room, the first built, is made to look like a brightly painted medieval town, with an ultra-mini golf course surrounding the castle bed.They have coffins to sleep in and other furniture that is on the ceiling.Then theres a room that resembles a prison cell.

Hotel De Vrouwe Van Stavoren:
The richly worn and airtight oak barrels have two narrow beds, with a small sitting area outside. The grounds are quite close to tiny Stavoren's harbor, which was a major port in the Middle Ages. This one is up on the recycling area.

Hang Nga Guest House and Art Gallery:
The three main buildings are Gaudi-esque concrete tree house-like growths that appear as if they flowed organically out of the ground.You can feel at home in this hotel.The walls seem to dissolve into the floor, and right angles are avoided entirely.

Hotel Costa Verde:
Have you ever wanted to stay in a 747 jet, well now you can. In this hotel the rooms look like a crashed 747 jet. So if you would not like to crash here(ha ha) then this probably is not the place for you.

Capsule Hotel:
Colored bright-orange for easy visibility, the '70s-era escape pods that make up the Capsule Hotel once hung outside oil rigs, ready to be deployed in case of an evacuation. If you have ever wanted to escape then this is the place for you. This escape pod is designed by a garbage architect. So it is all about recycling.

Cape Town:
This hotel is a penthouse that is a trailer park.The aluminum-clad "rooms," which sleep two people, have been done in playful themes that incorporate icons like "Goldilocks and the Three Bears". That gives this hotel so sort of class to it even though it is a trailer park.

Worlds Weirdest Hotels

What-weird and cool places to stay
When-whenever you want a cool place to hangout at
Where-Berlin,Netherlands,Vietnam,Costa Rica,Vlissingen,Cape town
Why-for all those people out there that are looking for a hotel to stay in
Who-for anyone who is up to staying at one of these places
How-by traveling to these weird places

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Denae has an awesome family.
She has cool parents, brothers,and sisters.
She has two pets: a dog named Jada,and a cat named greycie.
Denae loves to sing and goof around.
She is an awesome girl.

My Family

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: My Family
Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox
Make a Smilebox scrapbook

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Smile Box is this really cool place where you basically write a story by using photos. Anyone can use it. it is a very simple way to make a scrapbook. You can talk about pretty much anything.Everything from family and friends, to a story about your life. The name is very self explanatory because you smile in pictures. Along with your photos you can also write text,or add videos.

About The Project
This project was really fun. I enjoyed basically putting my story in a scrape book and just telling a little bit about me and what i have done.

The 5 W's and H about smilebox
who: anyone can use it
what: smilebox
when: whenever you need a scrapbook this is the place to go
why: to put all your memories in a really cool place where you can always see them
how: by using awesome technology

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Rock The River

50 cool ideas for the bcs newspaper

1.creative writing section



4.strange stories

5.political events

6.activities around our area


8.movies to watch activities

10.mystery student

11.books to read

13.cultural activities bball updates football updates

16.NFL updates

17.wnba updates

18.NBA updates games to play on facebook websites ten vacation spots ten theme parks christian Cd's out

24.testimonies verse

26.reading plan

27.story about horses

28.a day in the life of the newspaper staff to use facebook

30.story on Mrs. Dias

31.the coolest stores to shop at to draw things

33.story on hannah montana to use email


36.what is the world clock workout routes for girls or guys to loose weight online games

40.story on video games happening in school jobs






48. compassion international

49.mission trips countries

Friday, August 14, 2009

What is "Gliese 581d" ?

From Wikipedia:
Gliese 581 d (pronounced /ˈɡliːzə/) or Gl 581 d is an extrasolar planet approximately 20 light-years away in the constellation of Libra. Because of its mass, nearly 8 times that of Earth, the planet is classified as a super-Earth. In late April 2009 new observations by the original discovery team concluded that the planet is within the habitable zone where liquid water, and therefore, life, could exist

Hello From Earth

What-Texting messages into space
When-From Aug.12 until Aug.24
Where-Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex
Why-To communicate to other life forms on other planets
How- Using texting through Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex

What I Think:
I think that God only made heaven and earth for life. No other planets have life or life forms. Yes, there maybe mountains, ice or volcanoes,on other planets, but that doesn't mean that there is life there. In the Bible it says God made one heaven and earth, not two. So in this sense i believe He is saying that he made our planet just for us. No other planet is like earth so saying this, than there is probably no life on other planets

Kerpoof movie

here is the link

everyone else-students

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


  • Definition-Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users' updates known as tweets.
  • All kinds of people use twitter like:people in congress, the senate, fox news contributors, everyone can use twitter.
  • People use twitter to communicate different things to each other.
  • I think that it is important to communicate for many reasons. If you need to find out something you can just ask.
  • Athletes that use twitter:

1.Alana Beard(WNBA Washington mystics)

2.Swin Cash(WNBA Seattle storm)

3.Dewanna Bonner(auburn women's college bball)

  • I think that twitter growing is cool because now we find out different information about the news and peoples different opinions on it.

About me

My favorite sport is basketball ,I love to sing,and I love Jesus

Tuesday, August 11, 2009