Thursday, August 20, 2009


Smile Box is this really cool place where you basically write a story by using photos. Anyone can use it. it is a very simple way to make a scrapbook. You can talk about pretty much anything.Everything from family and friends, to a story about your life. The name is very self explanatory because you smile in pictures. Along with your photos you can also write text,or add videos.

About The Project
This project was really fun. I enjoyed basically putting my story in a scrape book and just telling a little bit about me and what i have done.

The 5 W's and H about smilebox
who: anyone can use it
what: smilebox
when: whenever you need a scrapbook this is the place to go
why: to put all your memories in a really cool place where you can always see them
how: by using awesome technology

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