Monday, October 26, 2009


American Online
“Hey wat up”, do you really want to call someone and tell them this or would it just be easier, if you don’t have txt, just to txt it to them on the computer. Why don’t you try AOL? On this website you can do anything from email, checking the weather, listening to music, even watch TV, shop and play games. This website has kind of lost its popularity though. Most people are now on my space or face book. To be honest I have never even been on this website until today. I think that it is pretty much the same as the others, just much older.
Let me tell you in more detail about what it really is, and I will try to answer all your questions. AOL was founded by William von Meister. It was originally created as a way to communicate to your friends online. It helps you stay in touch with your friends no matter if they are face book or my space kinda people. AIM and AOL is really the same thing. They provide you with all the same things as MySpace and face book, but AOL is the old way. The new way to communicate is face book and MySpace.
Oh by the way did you know that you have to pay for AOL. What do people really think about AOL? Well lately they have started to give email and their other sources away for free. “They will no longer market their online dial up services, and they are giving it all away for free.” says someone from Yahoo. If you are bored one day, and are on the computer, give AOL a look at.

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