Wednesday, November 4, 2009

things that make you go hmmm......

Do you think that the pilgrims just ate turkey, and stuffing?
That is what I was thinking, because that is the first thing that comes to my mind. So what if I was to tell you that they had food you wouldn’t expect, on their menu. On the pilgrims menu they actually had seal, lobster, and swans. Lobster is good, but swan and seal, i dont think so. They had all kinds of food, from seafood to herbs and seasoning.
This is what was really on their menu:
SEAFOOD: Cod, Eel, Clams, Lobster
WILD FOWL: Wild Turkey, Goose, Duck, Crane, Swan, Partridge, Eagles
MEAT: Venison, Seal
GRAIN: Wheat Flour, Indian corn
VEGETABLES: Pumpkin, Peas, Beans, Onions, Lettuce, Radishes, Carrots
FRUIT: Plums, Grapes
NUTS: Walnuts, Chestnuts, Acorns
HERBS AND SEASONINGS: Olive Oil, Liverwort, Leeks, Dried Currants, Parsnips

When you think about doing a real thanksgiving meal are you really going to do a real one? I think I am just going to stick to the awesome thanksgiving meal my grandmother makes. If you want to do a real thanksgiving meal, have fun, but to really have the feast right, I think that you should have everything that they had. I’m not sure how you will find some of those foods, but good luck. Maybe you should go hunting for it, that would be fun. Over all the pilgrims did have an awesome meal.

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