Thursday, February 25, 2010

pics:of woodstein


Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein were the two reporters that figured out the Watergate scandal. this scandal was probably the biggest in our history. Bob Woodward is regarded as one of America's preeminent investigative reporters and non-fiction authors. The New York Times has called the work of Woodward and Bernstein "maybe the single greatest reporting effort of all time. Bob Woodward still works for The Washington Post today.
Carl Bernstein works for the C.I.A. The Watergate scandal was a political scandal in the United States in the 1970s, resulting from the break-in into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. The effects of this scandal eventually led to the resignation of President Richard Nickson. it was revealed that President Nixon had a tape recording system in his offices and that he had recorded many conversations.
the thing about Watergate was everyone was involved. five men were arrested on June 17,1972. John Mitchell, Bernard Barker,Treasurer, Hugh Sloan,G. Gordon Liddy, Jeb Magruder,Senator Sam Ervin, were some of the people inolved. Nixon resigned the office of the presidency on August 9, 1974.
this whole scandal consisted of an investigation, tapes,final investigations,pardon and aftermath,and a break in. after nixon resigned gerald ford issued a pardon to him. As evidence mounted against the president's staff, which included former staff members testifying against them in an investigation conducted by the Senate Watergate Committee, it was revealed that President Nixon had a tape recording system in his offices and that he had recorded many conversations.

Friday, February 19, 2010

kelly clark

if you have never heard of kelly clark, she is a snowboarder in the olympics right now. that is who she is now, she wasnt always this amazing skate boarder. she had to start somewhere. kelly was born in west dover vermont. she has been snowboarding since she was eight years old.

she is to me like the girl shaun white, or the girl tony hawk. she is awesome! she really does rock at snowboarding. she began competing in 1999. She became a member of the US Snowboard team in 2000, and later won a gold medal in the Winter Olympics.

kelly clark trained for competitive snowboarding at Mount Snow Academy in Vermont and graduated in spring 2001. She won a gold medal for women's halfpipe at the 2002 Winter Olympics. she started off briliate and she still is. she has gotten first and secound in every competition except one she got third. what a record.

she has won two gold metals,three silver,and two bronze. that is amazing, because she won these metal competing against the world! her two favorite competitions are the superpipe and halfpipe. i always watching her come out and sometimes doing new tricks. she is truly amazing at what she does.

these are all the competitions that she has competed in:

Highlights of Swatch TTR 2008/2009 Season

3rd – Halfpipe – 5Star Burton New Zealand Open (Ticket to Ride (World Snowboard Tour))
1st – Halfpipe – 6Star Burton European Open (Ticket to Ride (World Snowboard Tour))
1st – Halfpipe – 5Star Nissan X-Trail Asian Open (Ticket to Ride (World Snowboard Tour))
2nd – Halfpipe – 6Star Burton US Open (Ticket to Ride (World Snowboard Tour))
1st – Halfpipe – 6Star Roxy Chicken Jam (Ticket to Ride (World Snowboard Tour))
2009 Winter Dew Tour – Dew Cup – 1st Place
2010 Winter X Games – Superpipe – 1st Place
2008 Chevy Grand Prix – Tamarack – Halfpipe – 1st Place
2008 Winter X Games – Halfpipe – 2nd Place
2007 New Zealand Open – Quarterpipe – 1st Place
2007 New Zealand Open – Halfpipe – 2nd Place
2007 Burton Abominable Snow Jam – Overall – 2nd Place
2007 Burton Abominable Snow Jam – Halfpipe – 2nd Place
2006 US Grand Prix – Halfpipe – 1st Place
2006 Burton New Zealand Open – Quarterpipe – 1st Place
2006 Burton New Zealand Open – Superpipe – 1st Place
2006 Chevorlet Grand Prix – Halfpipe – 2nd Place
2005 FIS World Cup – Halfpipe – 1st Place
2005 Grand Prix #3- Halfpipe – 2nd Place

pretty amazing huh. yeah she is. she is the top ranked women in the world of snowboarding history.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


there playing basket ball... i love basketball, or as i like to call it bball. basketball is definately my passion and my hobbie. i love everything about this sport. from the wind in my hair from running back and forth to shoot that last secound shot and winning the game. my favorite things about this sport are shooting the ball, defending the ball, and dribling the ball.

i love shooting the basketball especially when it swishes. just the sound of the ball going through the next gives me chills. making a basket during a game is a great feeling . you feel like you have acouplished something,and plus you scored points. the rush when you are coming up to the goal and either do a layup, outside jay shot, or a 3 pointer.

defending the ball isnt just taking the ball out of the other persons hands. it takes skill to do this because there are these things called fouls that you can get if you rach to much for the ball or slap someone. no you cannot just take the ball away, sometimes you can steal, but most of the time you can only trap and waste time.

in the game of basketball you have to pass the half court line before ten secounds. this is when you traping and deffending comes in hndy. you can either steal the ball immediatly or you can trap the person until time has run out. you can not have offense in basketball without deffense.

there are many ways to drible the ball in this game. you can show off by doing some cool tricks or you can just try to get the ball down the court. the cool tricks that you can do are: behind the back, in between the legs, and crossover. these are only the most popular ones in this game. i love to drible the ball in between my legs. that is probaly my favorite move.

i do enjoy the others to. like when i am going down the court to the right, and then i can use behind the back and then start going to the left which is my strong side. i could play this game all day long. sadly tusday night was the last game of my life.

the booboo

there is this girl named Danae and she got a boo boo. this boo boo was not an ordinary boo boo. it was a boo boo on steroids. the story behind this boo boo is quite interesting. it all started on a tuesday morning. it was exactly 9:45 when this booboo accured.

coach smiths class had just begun and denae and megan were playing cards. they were not just any ol cards, they were cardboard princess cards. if you have never seen these cards before there are very mean. they are not the ordinary disney princesses. so there they were playing there ordinary card game and then boom! pow!

it happened slowly but painfully. the card slowly sliced denaes finger. the image was so grucem that coach had to leave the room. the card went down very deep into her skin. the pain that she had was very painful. the cardboard had a direct hit on her finger. she started to scream and cry. it was and is probably the most painful thing she had ever experianced before.

the steroids that were caked on these cards were huge. they began to travel into denaes body though her blood. then they started to grow and grow. they kept growing until they reached her muscles. once they found her muscles they attached to them and grew even bigger. denae was stating to feel really weird, and all she could remeber happening to her was that cardboard cut that she had yesturday.

she went to the doctor and he ask her if she was taking steriods, and she said no. then he took her to the hospital because her muscles had grown way to big to be all natural. by the time they got to the hospital she was the size of hulk. it was a very creepy sight. the surgeon didnt know what to say.

once in the emergency room they found the problem area which was her middle finger on her left hand. they noticed how deep the cardboard cut was and were amazed. they could not believe how much this cut effected her. now denae is better and back to normal thanks to all the doctors who worked so hard.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

things that make you go hmmm....about horses

did you know that horses can not throw up. when they need to throw up they will sometimes just die right there. this is very sad to me. the horses do not even have a chance to get rid of their problems

Choke is, as its name implies, a condition that occurs when the esophagus of a horse becomes blocked by a substance (normally poorly-chewed and hastily swallowed grain or hay, but can also include pieces of wood/bark, or other debris the horse may get in its mouth) and renders the horse unable to swallow and breathe properly. Choke can be caused by eager eaters that eat their food quickly, with ineffective chewing. Also, poor dental health will prevent a horse from properly chewing its food. It can occur in horses of all ages. It is a serious condition that can be fatal and requires immediate veterinary assistance.

Choke can present itself either as chronic (multiple occurrences) or acute (occurring occasionally). A horse that has choked more than once is predisposed to develop an acute susceptibility, as each incidence of choke weakens a portion of the esophagus.

You can identify choke if your horse displays some or all of the following indicators:

Appearance of foodstuffs coming from the nostrils (regurgitation)
Frequent attempts at swallowing
Excessive salivation
Colic-like symptoms of sweating and distress (wild-eyed appearance, slinging of head, constant working of the mouth, etc.)
The appearance of a palatable mass in the upper part of the neck (where the upper esophagus lies).

Anyone who has witnessed choke can tell you how unnerving it is to see your horse experience this condition. The following are steps to take when you discover your horse is choking:

Stay calm; don't panic.
Call your veterinarian immediately and definitively advise him that your horse is experiencing choke. This will light a fire under them to get them to your barn quickly.
Remove all food items and water from the area your horse is in (stall, paddock, etc.)
Keep your horse calm. If possible, move him to a quiet place.
Do not attempt to dislodge the mass of food from the esophagus, because you could exacerbate the problem by damaging the esophagus or by diverting the blockage into the lungs, which would cause pneumonia to develop. As hard as it is to watch your horse in distress, leave the treatment for your veterinarian to professionally undertake.

Once your veterinarian arrives he will administer a tranquilizer/sedative to calm your horse. He will then insert a tube into the horse's mouth, through which water will be flushed to dislodge the object.

Prevention is key and measures can be easily implemented into your feeding regimen for horses prone to choke or to simply prevent any of your horses from developing Choke:

For overzealous eaters, place a few fist-sized rocks (about 6" - 8" in diameter) in the feed trough. This will require your horse to slow down his eating as he moves the rocks around the feed pan to get to the grain.
Soak pelleted feed in water to expand their size and soften their consistency.
Break up hay cubes and/or soak them in water to make them easier to chew and swallow.
Cut apples, carrots, pears, etc. into small slices, not large hunks, quarters, halves, or wholes.

Staying ever vigilant to your horse's behavior and following wise husbandry guidelines will keep your horses healthy and choke fre