Thursday, February 11, 2010

the booboo

there is this girl named Danae and she got a boo boo. this boo boo was not an ordinary boo boo. it was a boo boo on steroids. the story behind this boo boo is quite interesting. it all started on a tuesday morning. it was exactly 9:45 when this booboo accured.

coach smiths class had just begun and denae and megan were playing cards. they were not just any ol cards, they were cardboard princess cards. if you have never seen these cards before there are very mean. they are not the ordinary disney princesses. so there they were playing there ordinary card game and then boom! pow!

it happened slowly but painfully. the card slowly sliced denaes finger. the image was so grucem that coach had to leave the room. the card went down very deep into her skin. the pain that she had was very painful. the cardboard had a direct hit on her finger. she started to scream and cry. it was and is probably the most painful thing she had ever experianced before.

the steroids that were caked on these cards were huge. they began to travel into denaes body though her blood. then they started to grow and grow. they kept growing until they reached her muscles. once they found her muscles they attached to them and grew even bigger. denae was stating to feel really weird, and all she could remeber happening to her was that cardboard cut that she had yesturday.

she went to the doctor and he ask her if she was taking steriods, and she said no. then he took her to the hospital because her muscles had grown way to big to be all natural. by the time they got to the hospital she was the size of hulk. it was a very creepy sight. the surgeon didnt know what to say.

once in the emergency room they found the problem area which was her middle finger on her left hand. they noticed how deep the cardboard cut was and were amazed. they could not believe how much this cut effected her. now denae is better and back to normal thanks to all the doctors who worked so hard.

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