Thursday, February 11, 2010


there playing basket ball... i love basketball, or as i like to call it bball. basketball is definately my passion and my hobbie. i love everything about this sport. from the wind in my hair from running back and forth to shoot that last secound shot and winning the game. my favorite things about this sport are shooting the ball, defending the ball, and dribling the ball.

i love shooting the basketball especially when it swishes. just the sound of the ball going through the next gives me chills. making a basket during a game is a great feeling . you feel like you have acouplished something,and plus you scored points. the rush when you are coming up to the goal and either do a layup, outside jay shot, or a 3 pointer.

defending the ball isnt just taking the ball out of the other persons hands. it takes skill to do this because there are these things called fouls that you can get if you rach to much for the ball or slap someone. no you cannot just take the ball away, sometimes you can steal, but most of the time you can only trap and waste time.

in the game of basketball you have to pass the half court line before ten secounds. this is when you traping and deffending comes in hndy. you can either steal the ball immediatly or you can trap the person until time has run out. you can not have offense in basketball without deffense.

there are many ways to drible the ball in this game. you can show off by doing some cool tricks or you can just try to get the ball down the court. the cool tricks that you can do are: behind the back, in between the legs, and crossover. these are only the most popular ones in this game. i love to drible the ball in between my legs. that is probaly my favorite move.

i do enjoy the others to. like when i am going down the court to the right, and then i can use behind the back and then start going to the left which is my strong side. i could play this game all day long. sadly tusday night was the last game of my life.

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