Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Have you ever wondered what that sound is that you can make with your mouth?
Well it might be beat boxing. Technically it is a way of vocal percussion,that involves rhythm and cool drum beats from your mouth. Beat boxing is thought to have originated from India. Beat boxing is definitely cooler than humming. Think about humming, there isn't much to it. Beat boxing on the other hand is a pretty cool way to express your rhythmic abilities. It is also very fun to do. You can pretty much do it whenever you want to,but probably not much in school, because some teachers get anoied.
The reason for beat boxing, i think is... say you don't have anything to listen to music on,what can you do. You can beat box any song you know,and then your friends can join in and it will all sound cool. The people who do beat boxing are drummers,rappers,or just people who want to have fun. I personally love to beat box, and beat period. I think it is so much fun. You are probably wondering now, how do you beat box. Well it is hard to explain but i will try.
You can do it different ways, depending on the person. One way is to take my lips and make kind of a low sounding popping noise. Then i move my lips back and forth to make it sound even more interesting. After that i bring my tongue up and down and all around, and then i can make any beat you throw at me.
Another way I do it is kind of gross in a way, i kind of swish a little saliva around to make a clicking kind of sound. When i use this method i can do tons of beats. Also when i use this method i can do really fast upbeat beats. This one is my favorite.

Monday, September 28, 2009


their purpose:
Project Rescue's journey began in 1997 when K.K. Devaraj, an Indian National, and members of his Bombay Teen Challenge organization went into the Falkland Road red-light district in Mumbai, India with a passion to reach the young generation that was ensnared in drugs, gangs, and prostitution. The task force was stunned by what was there: a tragic city of over 100,000 women and girls, many of whom had been sold into sexual slavery by their impoverished families in North India and Nepal.
In that first encounter, they inspired over 100 young women to escape and find a new life in Jesus Christ. They were also given an additional 32 little girls by enslaved sex workers who hoped to prevent their young daughters from sharing their dark fate.

what they do:
Rescuing today's young sexual slavery victims is nothing short of a miracle.
It is a long process and one filled with risks and challenges that require considerable skill, knowledge, and poise. Our lessons learned have come the hard way.

Admittedly, our efforts don't always end with a rescued child or woman. Yet our determination to right this horrific wrong remains unshakable. Our joy in seeing the miracle of restoration reflected in a young person's eyes from sad darkness to exuberant light provides our singular focus.

what can you do to help:
There are many ways in which you can help us create real and lasting change in the lives of victims of forced prostitution:

•Donate your time
•Raise awareness
•Give your financial support

paper plane champion

Mong Thongdee is this 12 year old kid that is the champion of paper planes. his planes are so amazing. every time he makes one it not only looks cool it flies cool. each one has its own way of flying. also for each plane, he has a different way he throws it. this kid is pretty cool.

jobles man uncovers treasure

this video about a jobles man is a really lucky story. this guy finds ancient gold and silver by just going along the coast with his used metal detector. i guess he just didn't have anything better to do. i think though that he is glad he was doing this because even though he is job less he has alot of money right now. all the gold and silver that he found is now in the Smithsonian's museums in Washington d.c. this guy is a pretty lucky guy.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

from tomsshoes.com

In 2006 an American traveler, Blake Mycoskie, befriended children in Argentina and found they had no shoes to protect their feet. Wanting to help, he created TOMS Shoes, a company that would match every pair of shoes purchased with a pair of new shoes given to a child in need. One for One. Blake returned to Argentina with a group of family, friends and staff later that year with 10,000 pairs of shoes made possible by caring TOMS customers.

Since our beginning, TOMS has given over 140,000* pairs of shoes to children in need through the One for One model. Because of your support, TOMS plans to give over 300,000 pairs of shoes to children in need around the world in 2009.

Our ongoing community events and Shoe Drop Tours allow TOMS supporters and enthusiasts to be part of our One for One movement.


this video tells allot of things about how people are going to do better. whether it is to be green or to just act better. there are people who want to support barrack Obama by being the change themselves. by making change the focus of all peoples lives. they are pledging to make this world a better place to live.

Lisa Ling video:

Lisa Ling found herself in an international firestorm after her sister, Laura Ling, was captured in North Korea with fellow journalist Euna Lee. How strangers on Facebook became friends, helping Lisa through a painful time. this video just sums up what she went through. all the things that happened in North Korea,that she went through.


at this website you can buy any type of book. Better World Books is a for-profit social enterprise that collects used books and sells them online to raise money for literacy initiatives worldwide. they have books from anywhere in the world.this website has so many possibilities for people who want books.especially if you love to read, this is the website for you.


who:the people that made this web site
what:demolition game
where:on this website
when:anytime you want to demolish stuff
why:its educational in way
how:by placing dynamite in different place to make things blow up
my thoughts:
this game is fun and sometimes challenging. physic's is definitely in this game. you have to come up with different ways to blow up the building without hitting the building next to you.


who:people from bartbonte.com
what:must pop words
where:on this site
why:to help your spelling and typing abilities while having fun
how:you make words by typing on your keyboard and you pop the bubbles
my thoughts:
this was a really fun game. i enjoyed playing it. i think if kids play this game they will increase on their typing abilities. i recommend this game to anyone especially kids.


who:the makers of candystand.com
where:at candystand.com
when:whenever you feel like nudging things
why:to quench your boredom
how:by going to this website and playing the game
my thoughts:
this game was pretty cool. if you like to move things around this is your game. it is more of a kid's game to me. i did enjoy playing it though.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


when:any time you are online
where:on the web
why:to test your copy cat skills
who:copy cats
how:by remembering what the computer does and you copy it.
this is not as easy as it sounds.


cool orange juice container:

where:on the web
when:whenever you want
why:to see cool photos and to see cool videos
who:the people from twitter
how:by going to this website
check out this cool pizza box:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


when:anytime you want a brain freeze
who:you because your pic is involved
why:to give yourself a brain freeze
this website is pretty cool. you can see what would happen if you got a huge brain freeze. that is fun.


some pics from this website:

who:people from twitter
what:a place to show off your cute pets
where:on twitter
why:to put cute pics of your pets on the web
when:whenever you want to broadcast your pet
how:by typing in your pets name and twitter
The people that would use this would be people that wants to show off their pets. i would put my dogs pic on there if i had a twitter.

Monday, September 21, 2009


what does twitter have to do with this website?
when you type in any word you can see how many times it is on twitter
who:wordnik 2009
when:anytime you want to find or see where a word is.
why:to see like your name and where it is and how many times it is there
how:by going to this website and typing in a word

50 new newspaper ideas

4.comic strip
6.spot light on: shine light on a person
7.movie reviews
8.advice column
9.celebrity birthdays
10.any ones birthday
11.interviews with teachers
12.reports on what classes are doing now
15.whats happening in the community
18.taking note
19.a famous person
20.day in the life of a college student
21.day in the life of a doctor
22.day in the life of a nurse
24.funny sayings
25.cool vacations
26.places to visit
27.lsu bball
28.lsu fball
29.lsu soccer
30.lsu vball
31.things going on at campuses around us
32.community activities
33.things happining at churches near you
34.the next deluge night
35.what the theme is for the next deluge night
36.upcoming encounters to go to
37.story on Mrs.Dias
38.story on Mrs.Desalvo
39.whens the first girls bball game
40.the first boys bball game
41. the next home game for vball
42.story on the bball players
43.story on Tim
44.health tips-Tim needs to write this-
45.cool stores to visit
46.cool vacation places near you
47.fun facts
48.new cars that are coming out today
50.short story

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Who:the people who own the website
When:anytime you want to learn about boomboxes
Why:to learn more about boomboxes
How:by going to this website

Friday, September 18, 2009


when:anytime you want to watch people ride race cards
who:different people
why:to watch videos
how:by going to this website on your computer

Thursday, September 17, 2009






when:anytime you want to check it out
why:to help you learn about wildlife
who:Biodiversity Observatory
how:by putting pics online


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


what:photo website
when:anytime you want to go online
why:to look or find pics at
how:they post there photos on this website


my mess


The Iraq "Shoe Thrower":
what:Iraqi journalists threw a shoe at George w. bush
where: at the white house
when:Saturday January 22,2005
why:he got mad at bush
who:Muntadar al-Zaidi
how:by taking off his shoe and throwing it at bush

Elton John's supposed adoption:
who:Elton John
what:his adoption issues
where:he cant adopt from UK
why:no one can adopt anyone over 45 years old
how:he tried to adopt this bot who stole his heart

Patrick Swayze:
who:Patrick swayze
what:he died
where:in the hospital
why:due to cancer
Somali pirates and Greek ships:
what:Somali pirates have released a Greek-owned ship hijacked five months ago and freed its 21 Filipino crew members, officials and pirates have said.
when:5 months ago
where:Somali coast
why:they wanted a ransom of 2 million dollars
how:by hijacking their ship

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

disater maze:

this game could educate kids by showing them what to stay away from when a dissater comes. i think they should just stay inside their houses and they wil be safe. i might reconmend it to schools because of the educational feel to it. i think it was too easy. i think they should make it harder so you can learn alittle bit more.

hurricane house

this could help kids learn how to be safe with hurricane preparement. this game teaches you to move all penitential debre out of the way.
this would be a good game for anyone to play. well maybe just kids, because of the really simple stuff you do. it is a pretty cool and fun way to get your kids ready for a hurricane, or at least kind of know what they are doing.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

ED edheads.com:

cell phone:
this one was fun to do. i loved how it all worked. the responses from the seniors were funny.it was cool how you got to design a whole new phone for these people.

deep brain simulation:
this one was fun and interesting. i like learning about how much work it takes to do this. you have to be pretty good at this to be able even to step into that room. yes it was kind of Gross but it was fun and educational.

crash scene:
this one is pretty cool i guess. i learned alot about how they break down a crime science. it was fun doing all the things you had to do. like you had to investigate and interview and calculate everything.

The odd machine:
this one was fun. i have learned all of these things before in pre physics so i could apply my knowledge to figure it out. it was really cool how we did all that just to unclog a toilet.

virtual knee surgery:
this one was cool. i learned alot by doing this simulation. i enjoyed this one but not as much as the brain surgery.

this one was kind of fun. i got all the math right but the predicting was hard even on level one. but over all it was pretty cool. i had a good learning experience.

Smile Box:

My parents response was great. They loved my smile box and also enjoyed it. I actually let them watch it at home. We all watched it together. they thought some of the pictures were funny. We laughed as a family and I enjoyed doing this assignment.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Greatest Football Stadium Ever Built?

The Dallas cowboys stadium is probably the best stadium because of all the stuff it has inside. First of all it is huge on the inside and out. The centerpiece of this stadium is probably the HD video screen. It is the largest HD TV ever made!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Words:

1.comestible: suitable to be eaten.
2.glower: to stare angrily or with a scowl.
3.beneficence: the practice of doing good.
4.vociferous: clamorous; noisy.
5.plangent: beating with a loud or deep sound
6.varicolored: having a variety of colors.
7.pronunciamento: a proclamation; a pronouncement.
8.farrago: an assortment; a medley
9.xenophobia: fear or hatred of what is strange or foreign.
10.deride: to laugh at with contempt.


1.A play, based on billiards, started right on cue.
2.I could not pull out of my parking space, so I used my back up plan.
3.Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now.
4.I couldn't quite remember how to throw a boomerang, but eventually it came back to me.
5.He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends.
6.Cartoonist found dead in home. Details are sketchy.
7.Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? He was lucky it was a soft drink.
8.To write with a broken pencil is pointless.
9.When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.
10.A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tired.

10 cool websites for kids:


Atrocious Apostrophes:

this is a pretty cool website. they have some really weird things on there.
but over all it was pretty cool. what i thought was cool was that there are so many atrocious apostrophes out there waiting for us to find them.

One More:

More Atrocious Apostrophes:

Atrocious Apostrophes: