Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Have you ever wondered what that sound is that you can make with your mouth?
Well it might be beat boxing. Technically it is a way of vocal percussion,that involves rhythm and cool drum beats from your mouth. Beat boxing is thought to have originated from India. Beat boxing is definitely cooler than humming. Think about humming, there isn't much to it. Beat boxing on the other hand is a pretty cool way to express your rhythmic abilities. It is also very fun to do. You can pretty much do it whenever you want to,but probably not much in school, because some teachers get anoied.
The reason for beat boxing, i think is... say you don't have anything to listen to music on,what can you do. You can beat box any song you know,and then your friends can join in and it will all sound cool. The people who do beat boxing are drummers,rappers,or just people who want to have fun. I personally love to beat box, and beat period. I think it is so much fun. You are probably wondering now, how do you beat box. Well it is hard to explain but i will try.
You can do it different ways, depending on the person. One way is to take my lips and make kind of a low sounding popping noise. Then i move my lips back and forth to make it sound even more interesting. After that i bring my tongue up and down and all around, and then i can make any beat you throw at me.
Another way I do it is kind of gross in a way, i kind of swish a little saliva around to make a clicking kind of sound. When i use this method i can do tons of beats. Also when i use this method i can do really fast upbeat beats. This one is my favorite.

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