Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Iraq "Shoe Thrower":
what:Iraqi journalists threw a shoe at George w. bush
where: at the white house
when:Saturday January 22,2005
why:he got mad at bush
who:Muntadar al-Zaidi
how:by taking off his shoe and throwing it at bush

Elton John's supposed adoption:
who:Elton John
what:his adoption issues
where:he cant adopt from UK
why:no one can adopt anyone over 45 years old
how:he tried to adopt this bot who stole his heart

Patrick Swayze:
who:Patrick swayze
what:he died
where:in the hospital
why:due to cancer
Somali pirates and Greek ships:
what:Somali pirates have released a Greek-owned ship hijacked five months ago and freed its 21 Filipino crew members, officials and pirates have said.
when:5 months ago
where:Somali coast
why:they wanted a ransom of 2 million dollars
how:by hijacking their ship

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