Thursday, September 10, 2009


cell phone:
this one was fun to do. i loved how it all worked. the responses from the seniors were was cool how you got to design a whole new phone for these people.

deep brain simulation:
this one was fun and interesting. i like learning about how much work it takes to do this. you have to be pretty good at this to be able even to step into that room. yes it was kind of Gross but it was fun and educational.

crash scene:
this one is pretty cool i guess. i learned alot about how they break down a crime science. it was fun doing all the things you had to do. like you had to investigate and interview and calculate everything.

The odd machine:
this one was fun. i have learned all of these things before in pre physics so i could apply my knowledge to figure it out. it was really cool how we did all that just to unclog a toilet.

virtual knee surgery:
this one was cool. i learned alot by doing this simulation. i enjoyed this one but not as much as the brain surgery.

this one was kind of fun. i got all the math right but the predicting was hard even on level one. but over all it was pretty cool. i had a good learning experience.

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