Friday, January 29, 2010

Stephen Glass:

Stephen Glass the news reporter from The New Republic, got fired for fabricated sources and articles. He started off as an editorial assistent and worked his way up to a staff writer. In the move "Shatter Glass" he is i think the life of the magazine. He is always telling a funny story. At some points though you kinda new that they were not true.
Stephen Randall Glass grew up in a jewish family in Chicago Illinois. He attended the University of Pennsylvania, where he was executive editor of the student newspaper, The Daily Pennsylvanian. After graduation he joined The New Republic. He was a good worker for The New Republic.
He also wrote a book about his life called the "Fabulist". At The New Republic,he wrote dozens of high-profile articles for a number of national publications in which he made things up. As 60 Minutes first reported in May, he made up people, places and events. He made up organizations and quotations. Sometimes, he made up entire articles.

Monday, January 25, 2010


The country that just had the big earthquake. I bet that is what all of you are thinking right now. That is not the only thing about Haiti that i think you need to know. Haiti is one of the many Canadian islands. This country hasn't had an earthquake in over 150 years almost. Haiti is not a good place to have an earthquake at. It is very poor,so their homes cannot hold up very well.

Their politics consist of a multi party system. Their executive branch is divided into two different parts. there is the president and the prime minister. Political corruption is a common problem in Haiti. To be honest their politics haven't been that great. The country is consistently ranked as one of the most corrupt nations according to the Corruption Perceptions Index.

The population in Haiti was 6780501 in July 1998. Now I am sure that it is lower due to the earthquake. The way that the people live here, is they kinda stack their houses together. So having a massive earthquake would defiantly effect them. I personally have a supporting child in Haiti. I have no idea where she is right now. When i heard about the earthquake i started to cry because i am so worried about her.

The scenery of Haiti is beautiful. Well it was until the disaster. This country consist of beautiful beaches,and mountains. Just looking at all the pictures before the earthquake it is beautiful. The people there are just very open. They just want someone to talk to right now. I would love to go with my church when they go, but my parents wont let me. Yes i know its dangerous, but its my passion so much to be a missionary.

The day before the earthquake the whole country was celebrating a voodoo holiday. So is that what the disaster is all about? I don't know,but that could be one reason i guess. The are tons and tons of people that are herting everyday in Haiti not just after the earthquake. That is the very first place that i want to go to when i go out over the world being a world wide missionary.

The belief of Haiti arnt in God, they are in the exact opposite. They believe mostly in voodooism. Right now i would especially love to go to Haiti. I wish that i already had my doctors degree. Then i could be over there right now help all those hert people. I really do care deeply about this country. Their politics stink,and the beliefs arnt right, but their people are so open to everything. I would love to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sing sing sing

Sing sing sing,and make music in the heavens,sing sing sing. That is a song by chris tomlin. Chris is always writing new songs for church worship. Just recently I sang this at my church in the choir. We also sing this in the secound service that doesn't have a choir. Chris tomlin is all about worship. My worship pastor is always saying that worship is caugt not taught.

some people try to teach worship as a class. You cannot do this. It is a decision you have to make between you and God. When you try to teach and almost force worship apon someone they will begin to hate it. The only way to "teach" worship is to be an active worshiper yourself. If you are worshiping then someone will see how involved you are and will want to do it too.

be careful though,don't be a pharacee, because then you will be sad you see. When we are worshiping, I mean truly worshiping,we don't care what is going on around us. Worship is a time between you and God. It is not a time to show off,and say look at me I'm closer to God than you.

Worship to me is so much fun! I love to do it all day long. When I'm at home I try to make some time to go to our music room to sing and praise him. I love the weekends or breaks we get when I'm home alone. On those days I worship with all my heart and soul and voice. I really belt it out when I'm by myself. Then I sometimes preach to my stuffed animals as my audience.

So In conclusion worship is caught not taught, fun to do,and it is a time between you and God. So enjoy Gods presence everyday,and trust me you will have fun doing it. But I do warn you sometimes when I by myself I cry my eyes out in worship,but it's okedoke,God dpesnt care. He is probably the only one that really sees me cry. I usually don't cry much. So sing your heart out in worship.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The instruments that i play:

Top 3 u teach:

I like tim's presentation on Bonsai trees. It was really interesting. I didnt know that you could bonsai any tree. Well not all trees,especially the trees that produce large fruit, because that woudnt be good. I also learned all the tools that you had to have. I would like to see Tims trees.

Chase's presentation was really cool. I loved the video he showed us with that guy singing and playing his Ukulele. When he played it, that was cool too. The ukulele is just so cute and small. I also learned that there are three differrent kinds of ukuleles.

Nathan's presentation was so cool. Ireally did learn how to defeat pinball. I didnt know that it was possible, but aparently it is. He went into great detail on how to get to the game, so if you ever need help, go to him. Once you know how to defeat pinball, you control the game.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

school newspapers

Aragon High School:
location:San Mateo, California
name of newspaper:The Aragon Aristocrat

Harrow School:
name of newpaper:The Harrovian
3 School traditions:
Harrow football
The Harrovian
Harrow terminology

Silver Chips - Montgomery Blair High School - Silver Spring, MD
Student paper.

Paly Voice -Palo Alto High School - Palo Alto, CA
Student newspaper.

HiLite, The - Carmel High School - Carmel, IN

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The worst blog assignment:

50 Newspaper Ideas:
Ugh, this assignment we get every time we are about to make the paper. It is sometimes easy, but most of the time hard. Especially now since we are out of ideas, well i am at least. Yes i do know why we do this, but it is still a very big headache. I guess what i have learned from this is to think more creativity,and to stretch my brain more.

Top 3 Blog Assignments:

#1 deep brain simulation:
This whole website is full of all kinds of cool simulations, but my favorite one was the deep brain simulation. It was so real, like you where really there performing the surgery. I want to be a doctor when i grow up, so this assignment interested me the most. I learned a whole lot about brain surgery. You always have to be very sanitary, and take every step carefully. I have actually gone back to do this again over and over again, that's how much i liked it.

This assignment was cool because it was your very own movie. You had all these different characters that you got to choose from to make your movie. It was a whole lot of fun to make a movie,well a short one. I have never made a movie until this assignment. In this assignment i learned what it really takes to make a small film.

Smile Box:
This assignment was all about your family and friends, that is why i liked it. Probably the best part was showing who you really are, and different places that you have been. In this project i learned creativity, and a cool way to display my photos. Smile box is like the ultimate scrape book, that's why it rocks!