Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Top 3 Blog Assignments:

Edheads.com deep brain simulation:
This whole website is full of all kinds of cool simulations, but my favorite one was the deep brain simulation. It was so real, like you where really there performing the surgery. I want to be a doctor when i grow up, so this assignment interested me the most. I learned a whole lot about brain surgery. You always have to be very sanitary, and take every step carefully. I have actually gone back to do this again over and over again, that's how much i liked it.

This assignment was cool because it was your very own movie. You had all these different characters that you got to choose from to make your movie. It was a whole lot of fun to make a movie,well a short one. I have never made a movie until this assignment. In this assignment i learned what it really takes to make a small film.

Smile Box:
This assignment was all about your family and friends, that is why i liked it. Probably the best part was showing who you really are, and different places that you have been. In this project i learned creativity, and a cool way to display my photos. Smile box is like the ultimate scrape book, that's why it rocks!

1 comment:

  1. ok i dont know how you liked the edhead one. any way you want to be a docter nice.
