Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sing sing sing

Sing sing sing,and make music in the heavens,sing sing sing. That is a song by chris tomlin. Chris is always writing new songs for church worship. Just recently I sang this at my church in the choir. We also sing this in the secound service that doesn't have a choir. Chris tomlin is all about worship. My worship pastor is always saying that worship is caugt not taught.

some people try to teach worship as a class. You cannot do this. It is a decision you have to make between you and God. When you try to teach and almost force worship apon someone they will begin to hate it. The only way to "teach" worship is to be an active worshiper yourself. If you are worshiping then someone will see how involved you are and will want to do it too.

be careful though,don't be a pharacee, because then you will be sad you see. When we are worshiping, I mean truly worshiping,we don't care what is going on around us. Worship is a time between you and God. It is not a time to show off,and say look at me I'm closer to God than you.

Worship to me is so much fun! I love to do it all day long. When I'm at home I try to make some time to go to our music room to sing and praise him. I love the weekends or breaks we get when I'm home alone. On those days I worship with all my heart and soul and voice. I really belt it out when I'm by myself. Then I sometimes preach to my stuffed animals as my audience.

So In conclusion worship is caught not taught, fun to do,and it is a time between you and God. So enjoy Gods presence everyday,and trust me you will have fun doing it. But I do warn you sometimes when I by myself I cry my eyes out in worship,but it's okedoke,God dpesnt care. He is probably the only one that really sees me cry. I usually don't cry much. So sing your heart out in worship.

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