Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Top 3 u teach:

I like tim's presentation on Bonsai trees. It was really interesting. I didnt know that you could bonsai any tree. Well not all trees,especially the trees that produce large fruit, because that woudnt be good. I also learned all the tools that you had to have. I would like to see Tims trees.

Chase's presentation was really cool. I loved the video he showed us with that guy singing and playing his Ukulele. When he played it, that was cool too. The ukulele is just so cute and small. I also learned that there are three differrent kinds of ukuleles.

Nathan's presentation was so cool. Ireally did learn how to defeat pinball. I didnt know that it was possible, but aparently it is. He went into great detail on how to get to the game, so if you ever need help, go to him. Once you know how to defeat pinball, you control the game.

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