Thursday, May 20, 2010

200 point final


1.How to know when a bike tire is beat?
in this article you will find out how to know if you need to throw away your bike tire or not. it tells you also not to ride on a tire that you do not know of. you always need to check your bike before riding it. then it foes on to say what parts you need to check. for example the threads. so over all this article is promoting bike safety.

2.what is powerplay in cricket?
powerplay in cricket has made watching cricket more exciting. the icc(international cricket council) made these so that also there are more high scoring games. by doing this they probably have made the game more entertianing and popular. The main function of Powerplays is to encourage the batsmen to score more runs with big hits, since only three fielders can be placed outside the 30-yard circle. to work for a professional sports franchise
really all you do in this job is what any other job would do. i think that it does have its perks though. you get to be around players all the time, or you could just work in the office. which is just a typical job. it is though a very competitive market for these people that do want this as their job.

4.comparison of wooden and bamboo made baseball bats
in the early days people made bats out of hickory wood because it is very strong wood. but this caused a problem, it was too strong. these bats were way too heavy for the players. right now ash and maple are the commonly used woods to make bats right now. bamboo however has entered the market. it is starting to compete with more technical bats. to get started fencing
first of all you must know what it is, that may help allitle. fencing is where two people stab eachother and win points on where they hit eachother. that is my definition,here is the real one.Fencing is a sport where two individuals attempt to score points on each other by using a Foil, a light weapon with a rectangular blade, an Epee, a heavier weapon with a stiff blade, or a Sabre, a weapon used for both thrusting and cutting. that is really all you need to know. to design a tack room
having a well designed tack room can benifit any horseman. if you also have a well organized one that saves you alot of time. also a well thought out tack room will protect all your expensive things. Shared tack rooms are often a place to hang out and gossip and even eat meals, so don't be afraid to add personal touches like photographs, a couch or a small table and chairs. to install a tetherball court
tetherball is a two-player game normally found on playgrounds and at parks. Setting up a pole at home will bring the fun to your backyard. Add a chalked court for a real competition. here are the instructions to get you started.
Things You'll Need:
Fence post digger
Powdered chalk
Chalk line marker
Tether ball pole
Tether ball with rope
Step 1
Mark the spot where you will install your pole. It should have at least 10 feet of space on all sides, and be on a soft surface like grass or dirt.
Step 2
Use the post digger to make a 2-foot deep hole.
Step 3
Mix the cement with water according to package directions. Fill the hole halfway and insert the pole. Use the level to help make the pole straight. Holding the pole straight, fill the hole completely with cement. Allow to dry.
Step 4
Fill the line marker with chalk. Mark off a 20-foot diameter circle with the pole in the middle. Mark off 1/6 wedges on opposite sides of the circle. These are the neutral zones. Mark a cross in the center of each of the remaining 1/3 sections of the circle. These are the serving spots.
Step 5
Tie the ball's rope to the pole. The rope should be 10 feet long for older people, and 12 feet long for younger children.
8.this is how to store long bows
Step 1
Find a cool, dry place with enough room to store your bow flat. This may be on a floor or table, or even a shelf.
Step 2
Remove the string from one end of your bow. Do this by sliding the string loop up and over the top of the bow. The wooden body will now straighten out and the string will be hanging free.
Step 3
Wrap the string around the body of the bow. Place a twist-tie around the body and string to keep the two together.
Step 4
Place the bow on the flat surface you identified in Step 1. Make sure it is out of the way and that no one will accidentally step on it or get tangled up in the string.
Step 5
Stack your additional long bows on top of one another in the same place. Use caution when stacking them so as not to damage the strings. to clean stainless-steel guns
very carefully(emily). yes you do want to be careful,but these guns usually o not get fired. they are mainly collector items. the cleaning process is the sane for all guns except these, because they are special. A gun-cleaning set and stainless-steel gun polish are necessary to complete this project, which will take you about 30 minutes or less depending on the type of gun you're cleaning.

10.squash vs. racketball
Squash and racquetball are both sports that can be played at a recreational or competitive level and by people with a wide range of skills and abilities. my questions is what is squash? the only difference between the two is... the squash ball is a racketball with holes that way when contact is made it is squashed.

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