Thursday, May 20, 2010

my summer

this summer is going to be a blast of friends, family, and awesome opportunities. first of all this sunday i head to alabama to hang with the family, and have fun on the farm. probably my favorite thing about staying with my grandparents for a month is their church youth group. i know like everybody, and they have the coolest worship. take bethany's youth group and shrink its size but the same energy. it rocks!!!

after that i head back to my home and hang out with my friends until july. during july my mom and i have the awesome opportunity to go to Puerto Rico. while in Puerto Rico we are going to be doing a vacation bible school. i am going to have to warm up on my spanish, because i want to personally talk to the little kids that we will come into contact with. since our little newspaper adventure with the elementary, i have gotten better with kids.

while there we also get to play sports and build things!! yay!!! i love hard labor and sports. i will be one of the two girls that will be helping with this. i cannot wait!!! this will be my very first missions trip. i am so excited to see what God does!!! i havnt had much ministry experiance, and i am ready for some more!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

then after all that fun, its me and my friends, well and maybe my brother. i have to babysit him. :-(. Emily and i have decited that we are going to make a list of all the things crazy things that we are going to do the remainder of the summer. we shall document these things with pictures to show you up on the start of the new school year.

shall we tell her what these inclued, noooo im asking you, replace you so antiways... ummm... we shall take all our friends to borders to have a story time in the childrens section(british accent) if you hear on the 10:00 news of several children being banished from borders, think of us, and then come bail us out of jail. (these words have been brought to you by Emily and Hannah)(partners in crime)weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i love you ms melancon!!!

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