Tuesday, May 4, 2010

odes to the seniors in journalism

you are very cool and fun to be around. this year at beta and in the np staff you have been a great influence. np was the only class i had with you, but i could still tell by your character, that you really truely are awesome. you are very creative. just recently i saw the where the wild things are that you made. you are really good with that kind of stuff.

tina you have such a sweet desposition. you have always been so nice to anyone you have come into contact with. everytime i see you, you are smilng. you really "completed" our lunch table. i could never see you being mean to anyone. you are such a sweet person.

wow! you are such a great author. i think that when you go to college you are going to be a great leader. you are the best editor i have ever had. you are also very funny. especially you and chase together. i will always your dance moves that you showed us last week. that was hillarious. the thing that i like about you the most would be, you just like to have a good time.

i didnt know that you even drew,boy was i wrong. like i said to nathan, you two are hillarious. i never got to watch you play baseball unfortunally, but i heard that you rocked. if you play college i will definatly try to come to one of those games. your drawings always amazed me.

keish keish. you are a great song and poem writer. i probably would have never know that if i hadnt been in this class with you. you have a very beutiful voice. i know for a fact that you have been a huge influence on those elementary kids. they always asked me where you were all the time. they all adored you, it was so cute. you are really great with kids.

Bria i really am going to miss you. you are probably the closest senoir to me. we have had so much fun this year. in american history and in this class, me and you have laughed our heads off. i cannot remeber one down time that we wernt dieing laughing. also, how can i forget that angelic voice of yours. we had good times in chapel also. you have been a great influence in my life. when i wanted to go crazy, you gave me wisdom, and then made a funny. i will miss you! i love you girl!

i dont really know much about this year but back in volleyball we had some good times. me and you most of the time ended up on the bench together, you always had something funny to say. you are very funny, you always made me laugh. i will miss you as i will the other seniors too.

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