Monday, April 26, 2010

my elaborated weekend

friday after school began a pretty relaxing weekend. i havnt had a down weekend in along time. i cannot recall one achually. when i got home from school i went staight to the couch and read a book. i read until my parents got home at around five o clock. when they got home we ate supper. i dont remeber what we had but it was good. then i went to the game room and watched tv. at about eight o clock my dad and i played comand and conquer generals. i lost, and it was pretty bad. then after that i went to bed and read some more until about 11 oclock.

saturday morning it was storming and i couldnt sleep so i got up at 8 oclock! on a saturday! then we ate a very big breakfast, and it was amazing. we had ham, bacon, sasage,these were from alabama. then we had buiscuts and gravy and grits. it was amazing. after that i got on our new mac and played with it. i made some really cool videos from our trip. then after that i worked on a song i am writing on garage band which is an app that lets you record vocals and all your instruments.

after that i got on facebook and itunes. nobody was on facebook, so i didnt do much. then on itunes i bout some songs and put them on my ipod. after that i went up stairs and got all rocker like. i went to our music room and jammed on my bass and sang to the new songs that i bought. my brother had alex, on of his friends over, so he wanted to verse me in a couple games. so i did. i beat him at all the games we played.

after that i just rocked more and almost went to our loft to workout, but instead when back to my bedroom and read alittle bit of julius caesar. i really got into the characters, it freaked me out. then that night we had hamburgers, that my dad made, they were awesome. then i went to bed.

the next morning came early, because we had to be at church at 8:30. when we got to the church, we were assigned a place to go minister to, and work at. my family and i went to a bad neiborhood and did gardening. while we were there i met to cute little boys and my dad and i prayed over this sweet little old lady. she couldnt stop calling me baby, and presious.

after we got done with our work we headed back to the church. when we got there we had free pizza! weeeee i ate so much! but i didnt get sick thankfully. well this is where my family and i departed. i went to bethany south and they went home. i was going there to pick up emily and jasmine. while trying to find a parking spot, i saw branden tummey. along time ago, he honged his horn at me and scared me. so this was the perfect opportunity to get back. i was in the pruis, so he couldnt hear me. hejumped when i honged the horn i laughed so hard.

once i got emily and jas we went to the mall. jasmine gettoed me and emily up and it was hilarious! after that we went to menchies, which is amazing! then we met kim and rebecca and went to la madilines to eat, it was delisious! then we went to celebration station and i whooped them in go carts and puttputt. it was a fun and relaxing weekend.

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