Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My spring break

my spring break all started when i got of my flight in Salt Lake city Utah. when we got there we drove till we got to this place called cedar city utah. the next morning we woke up early so we could get on the slopes before anyone else. that whole day was so much fun. in snowboarding you have different size boards. there is a collar board which comes up to your collar bone, and chin and nose. i had a chin board. the fastest board is the nose board, because the longer the board the faster that you go. thank the Lord that i only spraned my shoulder it could have been worse.i am so glad i didnt have that board because then i probably would have broken something. after snowboarding we left to go to sin city. Las vegas is the last place i would go. we arrived there at night, so we got to see the strip lite up that was cool. that night we saw little water shows that they had going on. one had a volcano that fire came out of.

oh yeah before that we went to hoover dam. we went on a dam tour there and was cool. back in vegas we saw the blue man group they were so amazing. my dad after the show got to play on there pipes that was cool. after vegas we went to the grandcanyon. on the way there we went through an indian reserve and it was in the middle of nowhere. it was pitch black out side when we finally found some kind of hotel/motel thing. it ws not the best hotl ever, but the beds were okay. that morning i went out onto the porch and saw the view that we had missed last night. we were ontop of a plateu and as i looked down i saw another dam. this dam was called the Glen canyon dam. it wasnt the hoover, but it was still pretty cool.

we finally made it to the grand canyon, we had driven so much, and i couldnt help my parents because of my snowboarding acciedent. once we got there you didnt know that you were there till you walked down a path to the edge. it was so huge, pictures still cannot completly give the jest of it all. The Grand Canyon really is Grand. it was scary though, because there were no bars to be found anywhere, it was just the edge.

then we made our way to Zion national park. it was gigantic! when we entered the park we started to descend down. the first sign that i saw said "visitors center 11 miles away". we went down that whole time. i was video taping out the passenger side window and when i looked down i saw the road 4 more times. we went down those whole 11 miles. then when we got close to the bottom we went through a tunnel. this tunnels was really really dark. probably the darkest tunnel i have ever been in. it was 1.1 miles long. at zion there are so many different sites to see, and they have a shuttle to take you everywhere. the mormans achuaaly named all the different sites that we saw. the names of them were, Angels landing,abraham, issac,and jacob, the three patriarchs. all these names just stuck with them so they were never changed.

lets see after that we headed back up to salt lake city.

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