Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Year In Journalism

wow what can i say about journalism. i could write a book on what has happened in this class. at the beginning of the year i was assigned this class. i was so worried about being in a class that had dedlines and writing. i use to hate to write now i write all the time. journalism is the best class i have ever had. i always wanted ms. meloncon for a teacher, and she is so awesome! unlike other people in the class i do like blogging. the things i like about blogging is you really do learn alot of imformation. my favorite blog will always be the brain simulation website. that was so awesome! i loved how it was so real.

throughout this year we have had so many fun games and experiances. i loved this one game called "odd man out"! we got so serious about it that we came one day in pe clothes. that was the best game ever. another cool game was "knot". it took alot of skill in this game. i think by playing these games we became a family. another thing we did was work lsu games. me being an Auburn Fan and all, i achually enjoyed myself. it was hard and we got sweaty and nasty, but it was so much fun!

when projects came up like spirit links, guess who helped out. we cute the links, counted them, rubberbanded them, then after we thought that was done we had to count all the money. i got stuck with pennies most of the time, and i did not know money was that dirty. john paul came in here one day with gloves on and showed us just how dirty the money was and his gloves were yellow! i have learned ms meloncons words now. when she says feild trip that means a trip to the dumpster. when she says game it means work. when she says packet o fun it is packet o death.

i think throught i have become a better writer through this class. i definatly am taking this class next year. oh yeah how can i forget our exames. for our exames we built gingarbread houses. that was my first ever gingarbread house. then we just ate all the candy. it was so much fun. one of my favorite activities was working on the memory garden. i love outside labor, so this was awesome! another cool event was we got to help k love on see you at the pole day. we got donuts!

newspaper class has been the best class ever. if you want a class that has thrills chills and adventure take this class. it will change your life. i have learned so much in this class. we have had guest speakers like joanna brother that taught us all about film. then we had andre moreau that told us about being a news anchor. all these cool experiances all happened in this one class! I Love Journalism!