Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rural Life Museum

the original land of this museum belonged to Thomas a soider that captured baton rouge. later different people claimed this land then the burden family got ahold of it and used it as a place for there summer vacation. they later used this land for people to get away from the heat. this was useful because around this time the yellow fever was out there and hitting hard. so there is some history on this museums founding.

there is also the gardens which are beutiful they say. the garden today is about 80 years old. a lovely lake and two small islands in the lake have been added. i bet when we go there it will be very pretty. the garden consist of all kinds of different plants and flowers. it is probably like any iother garden just bigger and older. i am interested in seeing it when we go tomarrow.

there are 385 attractions here at this museum. wow! they achually have a working plantation, barn and all kinds of rural life there. on there tours they show you all these cool places and things. i personally love rural life. as a kid all i did was live like laura ingles wilder. i read all of her books. when i would play with my friends we would live back in the old days. i still to this day love to watch her tv show, that is my saturday morning show.

this place there called the exibit barn has hundreds of artifacts, dealing with rural life up to the 20th century. The Plantation Quarters consists of a complex of 19th century buildings - commissary, overseer's house, kitchen, slave cabins, sick house, schoolhouse, blacksmith's shop, sugar house, and grist mill - authentically furnished to replicate all the major activities of life on a typical 19th century working plantation. Louisiana Folk Architecture is interpreted in a wonderful collection of buildings exemplifying the house types of Louisiana including - a country church, pioneer's cabin, Carolina cabin, shotgun house, Acadian house, and dogtrot house - whose divergent construction traits illustrate the various cultures of Louisiana settlers.

there is this thing called a flat boat and it is from the laurette family's old home in sunshine. the pieces of this boat date back to 1830. on their website they have a place for "country gossip", and there were not any bad things there. there website has so great pics of all that they have also. im excited to go tomarrow. i expect to see alot of cool exibits there tomarrow.

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