Thursday, May 20, 2010

200 point final

ah newspaper class wow it has been fun. now that i have been throught the best class ever, i have recomended it to everyone i come into contact with. any people that are interested in this class i tell them that it will help you become a better writer. we write alot! i use to hate writing now it is pretty cool. in newpaper class we get to right about what we want to. we basically right how we talk to make it evern more interesting.

lets see tips i would give to a new staff writer... i would tell them to learn how to type well that way when you are writng a story or BLOG ASSIGNMENT you can get it done faster. but you dont have to have great typing skills to be on the staff. at the beginning of the year i couldnt type worth anything, i got better throught this year. also by having good typing skills it will help you in anyother phase in your life.

another tip i guess would be, be prepare to not be shy. ms.meloncon will make sure of that. every person is sometimes shy on their first day to anything, i know that i am. ms. meloncon will break you of this, and you will love her. that is another cool part about this class is the teacher. ms.meloncon rocks! that really should be reason enough to be in this class.

oh yeah another tip could be make sure that you always have ideas about stories. sometimes we dont have good pitches and it is harder to think of them right on the spot. what i did most of this year was way before the next issue i would think of tons of ideas. this will definatly help you if next year we do 50 np ideas. those are death, but if you come prepare everyday with new ideas, then you will survive the storm. by having ideas out there, it helps with your creativity. once you do it a couple of times you have it down, and it is not so bad anymore.

another and final tip from me is to have fun and be aware of your surroundings. this kind of goes with ideas, but if you watch the news or read the newspaper, you will learn alot about your surroundings. this will help your writng because it gets you thinking just like a real reporter. especially if you want to go into journalism, or anyother writing carrer, this is the class for you. oh yeah the fun part is get ready for crazy and fun people. we have played so many games this year and it has been an awesome ride. i cannot wait till next year to see qho is in this class.

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