Monday, April 26, 2010

my elaborated weekend

friday after school began a pretty relaxing weekend. i havnt had a down weekend in along time. i cannot recall one achually. when i got home from school i went staight to the couch and read a book. i read until my parents got home at around five o clock. when they got home we ate supper. i dont remeber what we had but it was good. then i went to the game room and watched tv. at about eight o clock my dad and i played comand and conquer generals. i lost, and it was pretty bad. then after that i went to bed and read some more until about 11 oclock.

saturday morning it was storming and i couldnt sleep so i got up at 8 oclock! on a saturday! then we ate a very big breakfast, and it was amazing. we had ham, bacon, sasage,these were from alabama. then we had buiscuts and gravy and grits. it was amazing. after that i got on our new mac and played with it. i made some really cool videos from our trip. then after that i worked on a song i am writing on garage band which is an app that lets you record vocals and all your instruments.

after that i got on facebook and itunes. nobody was on facebook, so i didnt do much. then on itunes i bout some songs and put them on my ipod. after that i went up stairs and got all rocker like. i went to our music room and jammed on my bass and sang to the new songs that i bought. my brother had alex, on of his friends over, so he wanted to verse me in a couple games. so i did. i beat him at all the games we played.

after that i just rocked more and almost went to our loft to workout, but instead when back to my bedroom and read alittle bit of julius caesar. i really got into the characters, it freaked me out. then that night we had hamburgers, that my dad made, they were awesome. then i went to bed.

the next morning came early, because we had to be at church at 8:30. when we got to the church, we were assigned a place to go minister to, and work at. my family and i went to a bad neiborhood and did gardening. while we were there i met to cute little boys and my dad and i prayed over this sweet little old lady. she couldnt stop calling me baby, and presious.

after we got done with our work we headed back to the church. when we got there we had free pizza! weeeee i ate so much! but i didnt get sick thankfully. well this is where my family and i departed. i went to bethany south and they went home. i was going there to pick up emily and jasmine. while trying to find a parking spot, i saw branden tummey. along time ago, he honged his horn at me and scared me. so this was the perfect opportunity to get back. i was in the pruis, so he couldnt hear me. hejumped when i honged the horn i laughed so hard.

once i got emily and jas we went to the mall. jasmine gettoed me and emily up and it was hilarious! after that we went to menchies, which is amazing! then we met kim and rebecca and went to la madilines to eat, it was delisious! then we went to celebration station and i whooped them in go carts and puttputt. it was a fun and relaxing weekend.

Friday, April 23, 2010

My comments

Nathan you are a great editor!
James kinda random, but Roll Tide Roll lol
Chase you and Nathan are hillarious

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Year In Journalism

wow what can i say about journalism. i could write a book on what has happened in this class. at the beginning of the year i was assigned this class. i was so worried about being in a class that had dedlines and writing. i use to hate to write now i write all the time. journalism is the best class i have ever had. i always wanted ms. meloncon for a teacher, and she is so awesome! unlike other people in the class i do like blogging. the things i like about blogging is you really do learn alot of imformation. my favorite blog will always be the brain simulation website. that was so awesome! i loved how it was so real.

throughout this year we have had so many fun games and experiances. i loved this one game called "odd man out"! we got so serious about it that we came one day in pe clothes. that was the best game ever. another cool game was "knot". it took alot of skill in this game. i think by playing these games we became a family. another thing we did was work lsu games. me being an Auburn Fan and all, i achually enjoyed myself. it was hard and we got sweaty and nasty, but it was so much fun!

when projects came up like spirit links, guess who helped out. we cute the links, counted them, rubberbanded them, then after we thought that was done we had to count all the money. i got stuck with pennies most of the time, and i did not know money was that dirty. john paul came in here one day with gloves on and showed us just how dirty the money was and his gloves were yellow! i have learned ms meloncons words now. when she says feild trip that means a trip to the dumpster. when she says game it means work. when she says packet o fun it is packet o death.

i think throught i have become a better writer through this class. i definatly am taking this class next year. oh yeah how can i forget our exames. for our exames we built gingarbread houses. that was my first ever gingarbread house. then we just ate all the candy. it was so much fun. one of my favorite activities was working on the memory garden. i love outside labor, so this was awesome! another cool event was we got to help k love on see you at the pole day. we got donuts!

newspaper class has been the best class ever. if you want a class that has thrills chills and adventure take this class. it will change your life. i have learned so much in this class. we have had guest speakers like joanna brother that taught us all about film. then we had andre moreau that told us about being a news anchor. all these cool experiances all happened in this one class! I Love Journalism!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring Break

My Spring Break started when I got off our flight into Salt Lake city Utah. When we got there, we drove until we got to this place called Cedar City, Utah. The next morning, we woke up early, so we could get on the slopes before anyone else. That whole day was so much fun. We went snowboarding. There are three snowboard sizes, collar board, chin board, and nose board. I had a chin board. The fastest board is the nose board, because the longer the board the faster you go. Thank the Lord that I only sprained my shoulder. It could have been worse. I am so glad I didn't have the nose board, because I probably would have broken something. After snowboarding we left to go to “sin city”. We arrived there at night, so we got to see The Strip and it was cool. Why we were in Vegas we visited the Hoover Dam. We went on a dam tour there and it was cool. Also in vegas we saw the Blue Man Group. They were so amazing! After the show my dad got to play their pipes. After Vegas we went to the Grand Canyon. It was so huge, pictures still cannot completely give the jest of it all. The Grand Canyon really is Grand. It was scary though, because there were no bars to be found anywhere, it was just the edge. Then we made our way to Zion National Park. It was gigantic! When we got close to the bottom we went through a tunnel. This tunnel was really really dark. Probably the darkest tunnel i have ever been in. It was 1.1 miles long. At Zion there are so many different sites to see, and they have a shuttle to take you everywhere. The Mormons actually named all the different sites that we saw. The names of them were, Angels Landing,Abraham, Isaac,and Jacob, the three patriarchs, and The Great White Throne. All these names just stuck with them, so they were never changed. Lastly, we headed back to salt lake city. We went to see where the 2002 Winter Games were held. I got my picture taken in front of my favorite event, which is the Super Pipe. One of the big thrills of the trip was when we went to the Hill Air Force Base Museum. While we were looking at one of the planes( SR-71 blackbird), this older gentleman comes up to us. He turns out to be one of the few pilots that ever flew this plane. Then we went over to the side of the plane where they had a display case showing the suit they wore in the plane. Guess what! It was that gentlemen’s suit and picture! I met a legend that day! Well that was my last story for this year’s newspaper. I hope that you enjoyed all my articles. Peace out! (Mom)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rural Life Museum

the original land of this museum belonged to Thomas a soider that captured baton rouge. later different people claimed this land then the burden family got ahold of it and used it as a place for there summer vacation. they later used this land for people to get away from the heat. this was useful because around this time the yellow fever was out there and hitting hard. so there is some history on this museums founding.

there is also the gardens which are beutiful they say. the garden today is about 80 years old. a lovely lake and two small islands in the lake have been added. i bet when we go there it will be very pretty. the garden consist of all kinds of different plants and flowers. it is probably like any iother garden just bigger and older. i am interested in seeing it when we go tomarrow.

there are 385 attractions here at this museum. wow! they achually have a working plantation, barn and all kinds of rural life there. on there tours they show you all these cool places and things. i personally love rural life. as a kid all i did was live like laura ingles wilder. i read all of her books. when i would play with my friends we would live back in the old days. i still to this day love to watch her tv show, that is my saturday morning show.

this place there called the exibit barn has hundreds of artifacts, dealing with rural life up to the 20th century. The Plantation Quarters consists of a complex of 19th century buildings - commissary, overseer's house, kitchen, slave cabins, sick house, schoolhouse, blacksmith's shop, sugar house, and grist mill - authentically furnished to replicate all the major activities of life on a typical 19th century working plantation. Louisiana Folk Architecture is interpreted in a wonderful collection of buildings exemplifying the house types of Louisiana including - a country church, pioneer's cabin, Carolina cabin, shotgun house, Acadian house, and dogtrot house - whose divergent construction traits illustrate the various cultures of Louisiana settlers.

there is this thing called a flat boat and it is from the laurette family's old home in sunshine. the pieces of this boat date back to 1830. on their website they have a place for "country gossip", and there were not any bad things there. there website has so great pics of all that they have also. im excited to go tomarrow. i expect to see alot of cool exibits there tomarrow.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My spring break

my spring break all started when i got of my flight in Salt Lake city Utah. when we got there we drove till we got to this place called cedar city utah. the next morning we woke up early so we could get on the slopes before anyone else. that whole day was so much fun. in snowboarding you have different size boards. there is a collar board which comes up to your collar bone, and chin and nose. i had a chin board. the fastest board is the nose board, because the longer the board the faster that you go. thank the Lord that i only spraned my shoulder it could have been worse.i am so glad i didnt have that board because then i probably would have broken something. after snowboarding we left to go to sin city. Las vegas is the last place i would go. we arrived there at night, so we got to see the strip lite up that was cool. that night we saw little water shows that they had going on. one had a volcano that fire came out of.

oh yeah before that we went to hoover dam. we went on a dam tour there and was cool. back in vegas we saw the blue man group they were so amazing. my dad after the show got to play on there pipes that was cool. after vegas we went to the grandcanyon. on the way there we went through an indian reserve and it was in the middle of nowhere. it was pitch black out side when we finally found some kind of hotel/motel thing. it ws not the best hotl ever, but the beds were okay. that morning i went out onto the porch and saw the view that we had missed last night. we were ontop of a plateu and as i looked down i saw another dam. this dam was called the Glen canyon dam. it wasnt the hoover, but it was still pretty cool.

we finally made it to the grand canyon, we had driven so much, and i couldnt help my parents because of my snowboarding acciedent. once we got there you didnt know that you were there till you walked down a path to the edge. it was so huge, pictures still cannot completly give the jest of it all. The Grand Canyon really is Grand. it was scary though, because there were no bars to be found anywhere, it was just the edge.

then we made our way to Zion national park. it was gigantic! when we entered the park we started to descend down. the first sign that i saw said "visitors center 11 miles away". we went down that whole time. i was video taping out the passenger side window and when i looked down i saw the road 4 more times. we went down those whole 11 miles. then when we got close to the bottom we went through a tunnel. this tunnels was really really dark. probably the darkest tunnel i have ever been in. it was 1.1 miles long. at zion there are so many different sites to see, and they have a shuttle to take you everywhere. the mormans achuaaly named all the different sites that we saw. the names of them were, Angels landing,abraham, issac,and jacob, the three patriarchs. all these names just stuck with them so they were never changed.

lets see after that we headed back up to salt lake city.