Thursday, May 20, 2010

my summer

this summer is going to be a blast of friends, family, and awesome opportunities. first of all this sunday i head to alabama to hang with the family, and have fun on the farm. probably my favorite thing about staying with my grandparents for a month is their church youth group. i know like everybody, and they have the coolest worship. take bethany's youth group and shrink its size but the same energy. it rocks!!!

after that i head back to my home and hang out with my friends until july. during july my mom and i have the awesome opportunity to go to Puerto Rico. while in Puerto Rico we are going to be doing a vacation bible school. i am going to have to warm up on my spanish, because i want to personally talk to the little kids that we will come into contact with. since our little newspaper adventure with the elementary, i have gotten better with kids.

while there we also get to play sports and build things!! yay!!! i love hard labor and sports. i will be one of the two girls that will be helping with this. i cannot wait!!! this will be my very first missions trip. i am so excited to see what God does!!! i havnt had much ministry experiance, and i am ready for some more!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

then after all that fun, its me and my friends, well and maybe my brother. i have to babysit him. :-(. Emily and i have decited that we are going to make a list of all the things crazy things that we are going to do the remainder of the summer. we shall document these things with pictures to show you up on the start of the new school year.

shall we tell her what these inclued, noooo im asking you, replace you so antiways... ummm... we shall take all our friends to borders to have a story time in the childrens section(british accent) if you hear on the 10:00 news of several children being banished from borders, think of us, and then come bail us out of jail. (these words have been brought to you by Emily and Hannah)(partners in crime)weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i love you ms melancon!!!

200 point final

ah newspaper class wow it has been fun. now that i have been throught the best class ever, i have recomended it to everyone i come into contact with. any people that are interested in this class i tell them that it will help you become a better writer. we write alot! i use to hate writing now it is pretty cool. in newpaper class we get to right about what we want to. we basically right how we talk to make it evern more interesting.

lets see tips i would give to a new staff writer... i would tell them to learn how to type well that way when you are writng a story or BLOG ASSIGNMENT you can get it done faster. but you dont have to have great typing skills to be on the staff. at the beginning of the year i couldnt type worth anything, i got better throught this year. also by having good typing skills it will help you in anyother phase in your life.

another tip i guess would be, be prepare to not be shy. ms.meloncon will make sure of that. every person is sometimes shy on their first day to anything, i know that i am. ms. meloncon will break you of this, and you will love her. that is another cool part about this class is the teacher. ms.meloncon rocks! that really should be reason enough to be in this class.

oh yeah another tip could be make sure that you always have ideas about stories. sometimes we dont have good pitches and it is harder to think of them right on the spot. what i did most of this year was way before the next issue i would think of tons of ideas. this will definatly help you if next year we do 50 np ideas. those are death, but if you come prepare everyday with new ideas, then you will survive the storm. by having ideas out there, it helps with your creativity. once you do it a couple of times you have it down, and it is not so bad anymore.

another and final tip from me is to have fun and be aware of your surroundings. this kind of goes with ideas, but if you watch the news or read the newspaper, you will learn alot about your surroundings. this will help your writng because it gets you thinking just like a real reporter. especially if you want to go into journalism, or anyother writing carrer, this is the class for you. oh yeah the fun part is get ready for crazy and fun people. we have played so many games this year and it has been an awesome ride. i cannot wait till next year to see qho is in this class.

200 point final


1.How to know when a bike tire is beat?
in this article you will find out how to know if you need to throw away your bike tire or not. it tells you also not to ride on a tire that you do not know of. you always need to check your bike before riding it. then it foes on to say what parts you need to check. for example the threads. so over all this article is promoting bike safety.

2.what is powerplay in cricket?
powerplay in cricket has made watching cricket more exciting. the icc(international cricket council) made these so that also there are more high scoring games. by doing this they probably have made the game more entertianing and popular. The main function of Powerplays is to encourage the batsmen to score more runs with big hits, since only three fielders can be placed outside the 30-yard circle. to work for a professional sports franchise
really all you do in this job is what any other job would do. i think that it does have its perks though. you get to be around players all the time, or you could just work in the office. which is just a typical job. it is though a very competitive market for these people that do want this as their job.

4.comparison of wooden and bamboo made baseball bats
in the early days people made bats out of hickory wood because it is very strong wood. but this caused a problem, it was too strong. these bats were way too heavy for the players. right now ash and maple are the commonly used woods to make bats right now. bamboo however has entered the market. it is starting to compete with more technical bats. to get started fencing
first of all you must know what it is, that may help allitle. fencing is where two people stab eachother and win points on where they hit eachother. that is my definition,here is the real one.Fencing is a sport where two individuals attempt to score points on each other by using a Foil, a light weapon with a rectangular blade, an Epee, a heavier weapon with a stiff blade, or a Sabre, a weapon used for both thrusting and cutting. that is really all you need to know. to design a tack room
having a well designed tack room can benifit any horseman. if you also have a well organized one that saves you alot of time. also a well thought out tack room will protect all your expensive things. Shared tack rooms are often a place to hang out and gossip and even eat meals, so don't be afraid to add personal touches like photographs, a couch or a small table and chairs. to install a tetherball court
tetherball is a two-player game normally found on playgrounds and at parks. Setting up a pole at home will bring the fun to your backyard. Add a chalked court for a real competition. here are the instructions to get you started.
Things You'll Need:
Fence post digger
Powdered chalk
Chalk line marker
Tether ball pole
Tether ball with rope
Step 1
Mark the spot where you will install your pole. It should have at least 10 feet of space on all sides, and be on a soft surface like grass or dirt.
Step 2
Use the post digger to make a 2-foot deep hole.
Step 3
Mix the cement with water according to package directions. Fill the hole halfway and insert the pole. Use the level to help make the pole straight. Holding the pole straight, fill the hole completely with cement. Allow to dry.
Step 4
Fill the line marker with chalk. Mark off a 20-foot diameter circle with the pole in the middle. Mark off 1/6 wedges on opposite sides of the circle. These are the neutral zones. Mark a cross in the center of each of the remaining 1/3 sections of the circle. These are the serving spots.
Step 5
Tie the ball's rope to the pole. The rope should be 10 feet long for older people, and 12 feet long for younger children.
8.this is how to store long bows
Step 1
Find a cool, dry place with enough room to store your bow flat. This may be on a floor or table, or even a shelf.
Step 2
Remove the string from one end of your bow. Do this by sliding the string loop up and over the top of the bow. The wooden body will now straighten out and the string will be hanging free.
Step 3
Wrap the string around the body of the bow. Place a twist-tie around the body and string to keep the two together.
Step 4
Place the bow on the flat surface you identified in Step 1. Make sure it is out of the way and that no one will accidentally step on it or get tangled up in the string.
Step 5
Stack your additional long bows on top of one another in the same place. Use caution when stacking them so as not to damage the strings. to clean stainless-steel guns
very carefully(emily). yes you do want to be careful,but these guns usually o not get fired. they are mainly collector items. the cleaning process is the sane for all guns except these, because they are special. A gun-cleaning set and stainless-steel gun polish are necessary to complete this project, which will take you about 30 minutes or less depending on the type of gun you're cleaning.

10.squash vs. racketball
Squash and racquetball are both sports that can be played at a recreational or competitive level and by people with a wide range of skills and abilities. my questions is what is squash? the only difference between the two is... the squash ball is a racketball with holes that way when contact is made it is squashed.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

odes to the seniors in journalism

you are very cool and fun to be around. this year at beta and in the np staff you have been a great influence. np was the only class i had with you, but i could still tell by your character, that you really truely are awesome. you are very creative. just recently i saw the where the wild things are that you made. you are really good with that kind of stuff.

tina you have such a sweet desposition. you have always been so nice to anyone you have come into contact with. everytime i see you, you are smilng. you really "completed" our lunch table. i could never see you being mean to anyone. you are such a sweet person.

wow! you are such a great author. i think that when you go to college you are going to be a great leader. you are the best editor i have ever had. you are also very funny. especially you and chase together. i will always your dance moves that you showed us last week. that was hillarious. the thing that i like about you the most would be, you just like to have a good time.

i didnt know that you even drew,boy was i wrong. like i said to nathan, you two are hillarious. i never got to watch you play baseball unfortunally, but i heard that you rocked. if you play college i will definatly try to come to one of those games. your drawings always amazed me.

keish keish. you are a great song and poem writer. i probably would have never know that if i hadnt been in this class with you. you have a very beutiful voice. i know for a fact that you have been a huge influence on those elementary kids. they always asked me where you were all the time. they all adored you, it was so cute. you are really great with kids.

Bria i really am going to miss you. you are probably the closest senoir to me. we have had so much fun this year. in american history and in this class, me and you have laughed our heads off. i cannot remeber one down time that we wernt dieing laughing. also, how can i forget that angelic voice of yours. we had good times in chapel also. you have been a great influence in my life. when i wanted to go crazy, you gave me wisdom, and then made a funny. i will miss you! i love you girl!

i dont really know much about this year but back in volleyball we had some good times. me and you most of the time ended up on the bench together, you always had something funny to say. you are very funny, you always made me laugh. i will miss you as i will the other seniors too.

Monday, April 26, 2010

my elaborated weekend

friday after school began a pretty relaxing weekend. i havnt had a down weekend in along time. i cannot recall one achually. when i got home from school i went staight to the couch and read a book. i read until my parents got home at around five o clock. when they got home we ate supper. i dont remeber what we had but it was good. then i went to the game room and watched tv. at about eight o clock my dad and i played comand and conquer generals. i lost, and it was pretty bad. then after that i went to bed and read some more until about 11 oclock.

saturday morning it was storming and i couldnt sleep so i got up at 8 oclock! on a saturday! then we ate a very big breakfast, and it was amazing. we had ham, bacon, sasage,these were from alabama. then we had buiscuts and gravy and grits. it was amazing. after that i got on our new mac and played with it. i made some really cool videos from our trip. then after that i worked on a song i am writing on garage band which is an app that lets you record vocals and all your instruments.

after that i got on facebook and itunes. nobody was on facebook, so i didnt do much. then on itunes i bout some songs and put them on my ipod. after that i went up stairs and got all rocker like. i went to our music room and jammed on my bass and sang to the new songs that i bought. my brother had alex, on of his friends over, so he wanted to verse me in a couple games. so i did. i beat him at all the games we played.

after that i just rocked more and almost went to our loft to workout, but instead when back to my bedroom and read alittle bit of julius caesar. i really got into the characters, it freaked me out. then that night we had hamburgers, that my dad made, they were awesome. then i went to bed.

the next morning came early, because we had to be at church at 8:30. when we got to the church, we were assigned a place to go minister to, and work at. my family and i went to a bad neiborhood and did gardening. while we were there i met to cute little boys and my dad and i prayed over this sweet little old lady. she couldnt stop calling me baby, and presious.

after we got done with our work we headed back to the church. when we got there we had free pizza! weeeee i ate so much! but i didnt get sick thankfully. well this is where my family and i departed. i went to bethany south and they went home. i was going there to pick up emily and jasmine. while trying to find a parking spot, i saw branden tummey. along time ago, he honged his horn at me and scared me. so this was the perfect opportunity to get back. i was in the pruis, so he couldnt hear me. hejumped when i honged the horn i laughed so hard.

once i got emily and jas we went to the mall. jasmine gettoed me and emily up and it was hilarious! after that we went to menchies, which is amazing! then we met kim and rebecca and went to la madilines to eat, it was delisious! then we went to celebration station and i whooped them in go carts and puttputt. it was a fun and relaxing weekend.

Friday, April 23, 2010

My comments

Nathan you are a great editor!
James kinda random, but Roll Tide Roll lol
Chase you and Nathan are hillarious

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Year In Journalism

wow what can i say about journalism. i could write a book on what has happened in this class. at the beginning of the year i was assigned this class. i was so worried about being in a class that had dedlines and writing. i use to hate to write now i write all the time. journalism is the best class i have ever had. i always wanted ms. meloncon for a teacher, and she is so awesome! unlike other people in the class i do like blogging. the things i like about blogging is you really do learn alot of imformation. my favorite blog will always be the brain simulation website. that was so awesome! i loved how it was so real.

throughout this year we have had so many fun games and experiances. i loved this one game called "odd man out"! we got so serious about it that we came one day in pe clothes. that was the best game ever. another cool game was "knot". it took alot of skill in this game. i think by playing these games we became a family. another thing we did was work lsu games. me being an Auburn Fan and all, i achually enjoyed myself. it was hard and we got sweaty and nasty, but it was so much fun!

when projects came up like spirit links, guess who helped out. we cute the links, counted them, rubberbanded them, then after we thought that was done we had to count all the money. i got stuck with pennies most of the time, and i did not know money was that dirty. john paul came in here one day with gloves on and showed us just how dirty the money was and his gloves were yellow! i have learned ms meloncons words now. when she says feild trip that means a trip to the dumpster. when she says game it means work. when she says packet o fun it is packet o death.

i think throught i have become a better writer through this class. i definatly am taking this class next year. oh yeah how can i forget our exames. for our exames we built gingarbread houses. that was my first ever gingarbread house. then we just ate all the candy. it was so much fun. one of my favorite activities was working on the memory garden. i love outside labor, so this was awesome! another cool event was we got to help k love on see you at the pole day. we got donuts!

newspaper class has been the best class ever. if you want a class that has thrills chills and adventure take this class. it will change your life. i have learned so much in this class. we have had guest speakers like joanna brother that taught us all about film. then we had andre moreau that told us about being a news anchor. all these cool experiances all happened in this one class! I Love Journalism!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring Break

My Spring Break started when I got off our flight into Salt Lake city Utah. When we got there, we drove until we got to this place called Cedar City, Utah. The next morning, we woke up early, so we could get on the slopes before anyone else. That whole day was so much fun. We went snowboarding. There are three snowboard sizes, collar board, chin board, and nose board. I had a chin board. The fastest board is the nose board, because the longer the board the faster you go. Thank the Lord that I only sprained my shoulder. It could have been worse. I am so glad I didn't have the nose board, because I probably would have broken something. After snowboarding we left to go to “sin city”. We arrived there at night, so we got to see The Strip and it was cool. Why we were in Vegas we visited the Hoover Dam. We went on a dam tour there and it was cool. Also in vegas we saw the Blue Man Group. They were so amazing! After the show my dad got to play their pipes. After Vegas we went to the Grand Canyon. It was so huge, pictures still cannot completely give the jest of it all. The Grand Canyon really is Grand. It was scary though, because there were no bars to be found anywhere, it was just the edge. Then we made our way to Zion National Park. It was gigantic! When we got close to the bottom we went through a tunnel. This tunnel was really really dark. Probably the darkest tunnel i have ever been in. It was 1.1 miles long. At Zion there are so many different sites to see, and they have a shuttle to take you everywhere. The Mormons actually named all the different sites that we saw. The names of them were, Angels Landing,Abraham, Isaac,and Jacob, the three patriarchs, and The Great White Throne. All these names just stuck with them, so they were never changed. Lastly, we headed back to salt lake city. We went to see where the 2002 Winter Games were held. I got my picture taken in front of my favorite event, which is the Super Pipe. One of the big thrills of the trip was when we went to the Hill Air Force Base Museum. While we were looking at one of the planes( SR-71 blackbird), this older gentleman comes up to us. He turns out to be one of the few pilots that ever flew this plane. Then we went over to the side of the plane where they had a display case showing the suit they wore in the plane. Guess what! It was that gentlemen’s suit and picture! I met a legend that day! Well that was my last story for this year’s newspaper. I hope that you enjoyed all my articles. Peace out! (Mom)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rural Life Museum

the original land of this museum belonged to Thomas a soider that captured baton rouge. later different people claimed this land then the burden family got ahold of it and used it as a place for there summer vacation. they later used this land for people to get away from the heat. this was useful because around this time the yellow fever was out there and hitting hard. so there is some history on this museums founding.

there is also the gardens which are beutiful they say. the garden today is about 80 years old. a lovely lake and two small islands in the lake have been added. i bet when we go there it will be very pretty. the garden consist of all kinds of different plants and flowers. it is probably like any iother garden just bigger and older. i am interested in seeing it when we go tomarrow.

there are 385 attractions here at this museum. wow! they achually have a working plantation, barn and all kinds of rural life there. on there tours they show you all these cool places and things. i personally love rural life. as a kid all i did was live like laura ingles wilder. i read all of her books. when i would play with my friends we would live back in the old days. i still to this day love to watch her tv show, that is my saturday morning show.

this place there called the exibit barn has hundreds of artifacts, dealing with rural life up to the 20th century. The Plantation Quarters consists of a complex of 19th century buildings - commissary, overseer's house, kitchen, slave cabins, sick house, schoolhouse, blacksmith's shop, sugar house, and grist mill - authentically furnished to replicate all the major activities of life on a typical 19th century working plantation. Louisiana Folk Architecture is interpreted in a wonderful collection of buildings exemplifying the house types of Louisiana including - a country church, pioneer's cabin, Carolina cabin, shotgun house, Acadian house, and dogtrot house - whose divergent construction traits illustrate the various cultures of Louisiana settlers.

there is this thing called a flat boat and it is from the laurette family's old home in sunshine. the pieces of this boat date back to 1830. on their website they have a place for "country gossip", and there were not any bad things there. there website has so great pics of all that they have also. im excited to go tomarrow. i expect to see alot of cool exibits there tomarrow.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My spring break

my spring break all started when i got of my flight in Salt Lake city Utah. when we got there we drove till we got to this place called cedar city utah. the next morning we woke up early so we could get on the slopes before anyone else. that whole day was so much fun. in snowboarding you have different size boards. there is a collar board which comes up to your collar bone, and chin and nose. i had a chin board. the fastest board is the nose board, because the longer the board the faster that you go. thank the Lord that i only spraned my shoulder it could have been worse.i am so glad i didnt have that board because then i probably would have broken something. after snowboarding we left to go to sin city. Las vegas is the last place i would go. we arrived there at night, so we got to see the strip lite up that was cool. that night we saw little water shows that they had going on. one had a volcano that fire came out of.

oh yeah before that we went to hoover dam. we went on a dam tour there and was cool. back in vegas we saw the blue man group they were so amazing. my dad after the show got to play on there pipes that was cool. after vegas we went to the grandcanyon. on the way there we went through an indian reserve and it was in the middle of nowhere. it was pitch black out side when we finally found some kind of hotel/motel thing. it ws not the best hotl ever, but the beds were okay. that morning i went out onto the porch and saw the view that we had missed last night. we were ontop of a plateu and as i looked down i saw another dam. this dam was called the Glen canyon dam. it wasnt the hoover, but it was still pretty cool.

we finally made it to the grand canyon, we had driven so much, and i couldnt help my parents because of my snowboarding acciedent. once we got there you didnt know that you were there till you walked down a path to the edge. it was so huge, pictures still cannot completly give the jest of it all. The Grand Canyon really is Grand. it was scary though, because there were no bars to be found anywhere, it was just the edge.

then we made our way to Zion national park. it was gigantic! when we entered the park we started to descend down. the first sign that i saw said "visitors center 11 miles away". we went down that whole time. i was video taping out the passenger side window and when i looked down i saw the road 4 more times. we went down those whole 11 miles. then when we got close to the bottom we went through a tunnel. this tunnels was really really dark. probably the darkest tunnel i have ever been in. it was 1.1 miles long. at zion there are so many different sites to see, and they have a shuttle to take you everywhere. the mormans achuaaly named all the different sites that we saw. the names of them were, Angels landing,abraham, issac,and jacob, the three patriarchs. all these names just stuck with them so they were never changed.

lets see after that we headed back up to salt lake city.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Swedish hemp farmer awarded compensation

Icelandic farmers upbeat despite threats

Iceland needs to strengthen legal system for EU membership

Have Find Natalee Holloway's Remains Been Found?
who:Natalee Holloway
what:have they found her body?
when:right now
why:to solve the mistery behind her deaath
how:looking at this "skeleton lokking" thing under water

Plouffe: President Will Campaign for Dems Who Vote No on Health Care
who:David Plouffe
what:he will campain for the next election
when:March 21, 2010
why:if he will campain or not
how:by not voting for health care

Health Care Bill Aftermath: Rep. Patrick Kennedy Hails Dad's Dream, Sen. John McCain Sees 'Heavy Price'
who:Rep. Patrick Kennedy Hails Dad's Dream, Sen. John McCain
what:they SEE heavy price
where:washington d.c.
when:right now
why:to tell people the truth behind the health care bill

Yemen declares end to northern war
who:yemen's president
what:declaring the end of the northern war
when:February 12
why:to tell the people what their president is trying to do
how:their government is talking to the people

Iran's enemies 'planned civil war'
who:Iran's supreme leader
what:Iran might have planned the civil war
why:just to show all the things Iran is behind
how;thru this article

Obama sends Iran internet message
what:video broadcast
where:from obama to Iran
why: Obama has reiterated his administration's offer of dialogue with Iran, but said that Tehran's leaders had "turned their backs" on previous overtures.
how:the internet

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Music and Media

music over the years has changed rapidly, and not in a good way either. Mrs. Desalvo say, "music has been dumbed down". personally I'm not a big fan of Beethoven and Bach, but if you look at their music compared to today it is much more complex. today's artist's talk about all kinds of junk and it sells for millions. rapper's song's especially, are very dumbed down. if you really take the time to research all the artists that you listen to, you will find that they are just spiting junk into your mind.

Lil Wayne,T.I.,Beyonce,and Lady Gaga,are examples of this. I'm not saying that we should all go back to the old days and sing old hymns. seriously some hymns are pretty amazing. the new Doxology, O Worship the King,and Joyous Light,that are beefed up today are awesome! so awesome christians artists are, Kari Jobe, Toby Mac,lecrae, Kutless,which now has a worship cd,and Flyleaf.

The beat sounds amazing! If this is the only reason why you like secular music, then why don't you like christian music? some christian artists have awesome beats too. But not all Christians are what they say to be. i recently found this out about Mary Mary. at the encounter i attended this past weekend, they showed us this one of my favorite songs,God in me, they are not talking about the King of Kings, my God, they are talking about a different god. this video exposes all the artists that we listen too, even Michael Jackson.

it shocked me all over, i did not realize how trashy the music that we listen to really is. this video can be found on you tube of course, and its called "The Truth Behind Hip Hop". this is just a little preview of the real video. the real video has to be downloaded. i would advise everyone to see this video, it really hits hard. as my mom and everyone else says, "garbage in, garbage out".

when we expose ourselves to all the media and music we take in everything that we hear and see. It really hits all the five senses in everyway possible. think about the movies that we watch every friday night, or saturday, whenever you go to the movies. most of the movie today show waaay too much! im not saying that we should all watch g rated movies, there are some good movies out there.

the movie,"one night with the king" is a great example. it involes the great story of ester. it also has romance and awesome biblicalness, yes that is a word to me. so i encourage all of yall to try watching the things that you take in everyday. bi

Monday, March 15, 2010

the 5 w's:

Blinded Merseyside soldier 'sees' with tongue device

who:Craig Lundberg, 24

what:cool shades that are conected to a wire that is attached to the "lolly pop" which he places on his tongue.

where:The Ministry of Defence


why:to help people see

Gum disease 'linked to early births'

who:160 women who pertisipated in this study

what:early birth may lead to gum disease

where:American Association for Dental Research

when:right now

why:to see if this is really true
A mother's inspirational skin cancer battle
who:a mother
what:her battle with cancer
when:right now
why:to show her story
David Beckham to miss World Cup with Achilles injury
who:david beckman
what:no world cup for him:-(
when:right now
why:because of his achilles injury

Thursday, February 25, 2010

pics:of woodstein


Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein were the two reporters that figured out the Watergate scandal. this scandal was probably the biggest in our history. Bob Woodward is regarded as one of America's preeminent investigative reporters and non-fiction authors. The New York Times has called the work of Woodward and Bernstein "maybe the single greatest reporting effort of all time. Bob Woodward still works for The Washington Post today.
Carl Bernstein works for the C.I.A. The Watergate scandal was a political scandal in the United States in the 1970s, resulting from the break-in into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. The effects of this scandal eventually led to the resignation of President Richard Nickson. it was revealed that President Nixon had a tape recording system in his offices and that he had recorded many conversations.
the thing about Watergate was everyone was involved. five men were arrested on June 17,1972. John Mitchell, Bernard Barker,Treasurer, Hugh Sloan,G. Gordon Liddy, Jeb Magruder,Senator Sam Ervin, were some of the people inolved. Nixon resigned the office of the presidency on August 9, 1974.
this whole scandal consisted of an investigation, tapes,final investigations,pardon and aftermath,and a break in. after nixon resigned gerald ford issued a pardon to him. As evidence mounted against the president's staff, which included former staff members testifying against them in an investigation conducted by the Senate Watergate Committee, it was revealed that President Nixon had a tape recording system in his offices and that he had recorded many conversations.

Friday, February 19, 2010

kelly clark

if you have never heard of kelly clark, she is a snowboarder in the olympics right now. that is who she is now, she wasnt always this amazing skate boarder. she had to start somewhere. kelly was born in west dover vermont. she has been snowboarding since she was eight years old.

she is to me like the girl shaun white, or the girl tony hawk. she is awesome! she really does rock at snowboarding. she began competing in 1999. She became a member of the US Snowboard team in 2000, and later won a gold medal in the Winter Olympics.

kelly clark trained for competitive snowboarding at Mount Snow Academy in Vermont and graduated in spring 2001. She won a gold medal for women's halfpipe at the 2002 Winter Olympics. she started off briliate and she still is. she has gotten first and secound in every competition except one she got third. what a record.

she has won two gold metals,three silver,and two bronze. that is amazing, because she won these metal competing against the world! her two favorite competitions are the superpipe and halfpipe. i always watching her come out and sometimes doing new tricks. she is truly amazing at what she does.

these are all the competitions that she has competed in:

Highlights of Swatch TTR 2008/2009 Season

3rd – Halfpipe – 5Star Burton New Zealand Open (Ticket to Ride (World Snowboard Tour))
1st – Halfpipe – 6Star Burton European Open (Ticket to Ride (World Snowboard Tour))
1st – Halfpipe – 5Star Nissan X-Trail Asian Open (Ticket to Ride (World Snowboard Tour))
2nd – Halfpipe – 6Star Burton US Open (Ticket to Ride (World Snowboard Tour))
1st – Halfpipe – 6Star Roxy Chicken Jam (Ticket to Ride (World Snowboard Tour))
2009 Winter Dew Tour – Dew Cup – 1st Place
2010 Winter X Games – Superpipe – 1st Place
2008 Chevy Grand Prix – Tamarack – Halfpipe – 1st Place
2008 Winter X Games – Halfpipe – 2nd Place
2007 New Zealand Open – Quarterpipe – 1st Place
2007 New Zealand Open – Halfpipe – 2nd Place
2007 Burton Abominable Snow Jam – Overall – 2nd Place
2007 Burton Abominable Snow Jam – Halfpipe – 2nd Place
2006 US Grand Prix – Halfpipe – 1st Place
2006 Burton New Zealand Open – Quarterpipe – 1st Place
2006 Burton New Zealand Open – Superpipe – 1st Place
2006 Chevorlet Grand Prix – Halfpipe – 2nd Place
2005 FIS World Cup – Halfpipe – 1st Place
2005 Grand Prix #3- Halfpipe – 2nd Place

pretty amazing huh. yeah she is. she is the top ranked women in the world of snowboarding history.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


there playing basket ball... i love basketball, or as i like to call it bball. basketball is definately my passion and my hobbie. i love everything about this sport. from the wind in my hair from running back and forth to shoot that last secound shot and winning the game. my favorite things about this sport are shooting the ball, defending the ball, and dribling the ball.

i love shooting the basketball especially when it swishes. just the sound of the ball going through the next gives me chills. making a basket during a game is a great feeling . you feel like you have acouplished something,and plus you scored points. the rush when you are coming up to the goal and either do a layup, outside jay shot, or a 3 pointer.

defending the ball isnt just taking the ball out of the other persons hands. it takes skill to do this because there are these things called fouls that you can get if you rach to much for the ball or slap someone. no you cannot just take the ball away, sometimes you can steal, but most of the time you can only trap and waste time.

in the game of basketball you have to pass the half court line before ten secounds. this is when you traping and deffending comes in hndy. you can either steal the ball immediatly or you can trap the person until time has run out. you can not have offense in basketball without deffense.

there are many ways to drible the ball in this game. you can show off by doing some cool tricks or you can just try to get the ball down the court. the cool tricks that you can do are: behind the back, in between the legs, and crossover. these are only the most popular ones in this game. i love to drible the ball in between my legs. that is probaly my favorite move.

i do enjoy the others to. like when i am going down the court to the right, and then i can use behind the back and then start going to the left which is my strong side. i could play this game all day long. sadly tusday night was the last game of my life.

the booboo

there is this girl named Danae and she got a boo boo. this boo boo was not an ordinary boo boo. it was a boo boo on steroids. the story behind this boo boo is quite interesting. it all started on a tuesday morning. it was exactly 9:45 when this booboo accured.

coach smiths class had just begun and denae and megan were playing cards. they were not just any ol cards, they were cardboard princess cards. if you have never seen these cards before there are very mean. they are not the ordinary disney princesses. so there they were playing there ordinary card game and then boom! pow!

it happened slowly but painfully. the card slowly sliced denaes finger. the image was so grucem that coach had to leave the room. the card went down very deep into her skin. the pain that she had was very painful. the cardboard had a direct hit on her finger. she started to scream and cry. it was and is probably the most painful thing she had ever experianced before.

the steroids that were caked on these cards were huge. they began to travel into denaes body though her blood. then they started to grow and grow. they kept growing until they reached her muscles. once they found her muscles they attached to them and grew even bigger. denae was stating to feel really weird, and all she could remeber happening to her was that cardboard cut that she had yesturday.

she went to the doctor and he ask her if she was taking steriods, and she said no. then he took her to the hospital because her muscles had grown way to big to be all natural. by the time they got to the hospital she was the size of hulk. it was a very creepy sight. the surgeon didnt know what to say.

once in the emergency room they found the problem area which was her middle finger on her left hand. they noticed how deep the cardboard cut was and were amazed. they could not believe how much this cut effected her. now denae is better and back to normal thanks to all the doctors who worked so hard.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

things that make you go hmmm....about horses

did you know that horses can not throw up. when they need to throw up they will sometimes just die right there. this is very sad to me. the horses do not even have a chance to get rid of their problems

Choke is, as its name implies, a condition that occurs when the esophagus of a horse becomes blocked by a substance (normally poorly-chewed and hastily swallowed grain or hay, but can also include pieces of wood/bark, or other debris the horse may get in its mouth) and renders the horse unable to swallow and breathe properly. Choke can be caused by eager eaters that eat their food quickly, with ineffective chewing. Also, poor dental health will prevent a horse from properly chewing its food. It can occur in horses of all ages. It is a serious condition that can be fatal and requires immediate veterinary assistance.

Choke can present itself either as chronic (multiple occurrences) or acute (occurring occasionally). A horse that has choked more than once is predisposed to develop an acute susceptibility, as each incidence of choke weakens a portion of the esophagus.

You can identify choke if your horse displays some or all of the following indicators:

Appearance of foodstuffs coming from the nostrils (regurgitation)
Frequent attempts at swallowing
Excessive salivation
Colic-like symptoms of sweating and distress (wild-eyed appearance, slinging of head, constant working of the mouth, etc.)
The appearance of a palatable mass in the upper part of the neck (where the upper esophagus lies).

Anyone who has witnessed choke can tell you how unnerving it is to see your horse experience this condition. The following are steps to take when you discover your horse is choking:

Stay calm; don't panic.
Call your veterinarian immediately and definitively advise him that your horse is experiencing choke. This will light a fire under them to get them to your barn quickly.
Remove all food items and water from the area your horse is in (stall, paddock, etc.)
Keep your horse calm. If possible, move him to a quiet place.
Do not attempt to dislodge the mass of food from the esophagus, because you could exacerbate the problem by damaging the esophagus or by diverting the blockage into the lungs, which would cause pneumonia to develop. As hard as it is to watch your horse in distress, leave the treatment for your veterinarian to professionally undertake.

Once your veterinarian arrives he will administer a tranquilizer/sedative to calm your horse. He will then insert a tube into the horse's mouth, through which water will be flushed to dislodge the object.

Prevention is key and measures can be easily implemented into your feeding regimen for horses prone to choke or to simply prevent any of your horses from developing Choke:

For overzealous eaters, place a few fist-sized rocks (about 6" - 8" in diameter) in the feed trough. This will require your horse to slow down his eating as he moves the rocks around the feed pan to get to the grain.
Soak pelleted feed in water to expand their size and soften their consistency.
Break up hay cubes and/or soak them in water to make them easier to chew and swallow.
Cut apples, carrots, pears, etc. into small slices, not large hunks, quarters, halves, or wholes.

Staying ever vigilant to your horse's behavior and following wise husbandry guidelines will keep your horses healthy and choke fre

Friday, January 29, 2010

Stephen Glass:

Stephen Glass the news reporter from The New Republic, got fired for fabricated sources and articles. He started off as an editorial assistent and worked his way up to a staff writer. In the move "Shatter Glass" he is i think the life of the magazine. He is always telling a funny story. At some points though you kinda new that they were not true.
Stephen Randall Glass grew up in a jewish family in Chicago Illinois. He attended the University of Pennsylvania, where he was executive editor of the student newspaper, The Daily Pennsylvanian. After graduation he joined The New Republic. He was a good worker for The New Republic.
He also wrote a book about his life called the "Fabulist". At The New Republic,he wrote dozens of high-profile articles for a number of national publications in which he made things up. As 60 Minutes first reported in May, he made up people, places and events. He made up organizations and quotations. Sometimes, he made up entire articles.

Monday, January 25, 2010


The country that just had the big earthquake. I bet that is what all of you are thinking right now. That is not the only thing about Haiti that i think you need to know. Haiti is one of the many Canadian islands. This country hasn't had an earthquake in over 150 years almost. Haiti is not a good place to have an earthquake at. It is very poor,so their homes cannot hold up very well.

Their politics consist of a multi party system. Their executive branch is divided into two different parts. there is the president and the prime minister. Political corruption is a common problem in Haiti. To be honest their politics haven't been that great. The country is consistently ranked as one of the most corrupt nations according to the Corruption Perceptions Index.

The population in Haiti was 6780501 in July 1998. Now I am sure that it is lower due to the earthquake. The way that the people live here, is they kinda stack their houses together. So having a massive earthquake would defiantly effect them. I personally have a supporting child in Haiti. I have no idea where she is right now. When i heard about the earthquake i started to cry because i am so worried about her.

The scenery of Haiti is beautiful. Well it was until the disaster. This country consist of beautiful beaches,and mountains. Just looking at all the pictures before the earthquake it is beautiful. The people there are just very open. They just want someone to talk to right now. I would love to go with my church when they go, but my parents wont let me. Yes i know its dangerous, but its my passion so much to be a missionary.

The day before the earthquake the whole country was celebrating a voodoo holiday. So is that what the disaster is all about? I don't know,but that could be one reason i guess. The are tons and tons of people that are herting everyday in Haiti not just after the earthquake. That is the very first place that i want to go to when i go out over the world being a world wide missionary.

The belief of Haiti arnt in God, they are in the exact opposite. They believe mostly in voodooism. Right now i would especially love to go to Haiti. I wish that i already had my doctors degree. Then i could be over there right now help all those hert people. I really do care deeply about this country. Their politics stink,and the beliefs arnt right, but their people are so open to everything. I would love to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sing sing sing

Sing sing sing,and make music in the heavens,sing sing sing. That is a song by chris tomlin. Chris is always writing new songs for church worship. Just recently I sang this at my church in the choir. We also sing this in the secound service that doesn't have a choir. Chris tomlin is all about worship. My worship pastor is always saying that worship is caugt not taught.

some people try to teach worship as a class. You cannot do this. It is a decision you have to make between you and God. When you try to teach and almost force worship apon someone they will begin to hate it. The only way to "teach" worship is to be an active worshiper yourself. If you are worshiping then someone will see how involved you are and will want to do it too.

be careful though,don't be a pharacee, because then you will be sad you see. When we are worshiping, I mean truly worshiping,we don't care what is going on around us. Worship is a time between you and God. It is not a time to show off,and say look at me I'm closer to God than you.

Worship to me is so much fun! I love to do it all day long. When I'm at home I try to make some time to go to our music room to sing and praise him. I love the weekends or breaks we get when I'm home alone. On those days I worship with all my heart and soul and voice. I really belt it out when I'm by myself. Then I sometimes preach to my stuffed animals as my audience.

So In conclusion worship is caught not taught, fun to do,and it is a time between you and God. So enjoy Gods presence everyday,and trust me you will have fun doing it. But I do warn you sometimes when I by myself I cry my eyes out in worship,but it's okedoke,God dpesnt care. He is probably the only one that really sees me cry. I usually don't cry much. So sing your heart out in worship.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The instruments that i play:

Top 3 u teach:

I like tim's presentation on Bonsai trees. It was really interesting. I didnt know that you could bonsai any tree. Well not all trees,especially the trees that produce large fruit, because that woudnt be good. I also learned all the tools that you had to have. I would like to see Tims trees.

Chase's presentation was really cool. I loved the video he showed us with that guy singing and playing his Ukulele. When he played it, that was cool too. The ukulele is just so cute and small. I also learned that there are three differrent kinds of ukuleles.

Nathan's presentation was so cool. Ireally did learn how to defeat pinball. I didnt know that it was possible, but aparently it is. He went into great detail on how to get to the game, so if you ever need help, go to him. Once you know how to defeat pinball, you control the game.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

school newspapers

Aragon High School:
location:San Mateo, California
name of newspaper:The Aragon Aristocrat

Harrow School:
name of newpaper:The Harrovian
3 School traditions:
Harrow football
The Harrovian
Harrow terminology

Silver Chips - Montgomery Blair High School - Silver Spring, MD
Student paper.

Paly Voice -Palo Alto High School - Palo Alto, CA
Student newspaper.

HiLite, The - Carmel High School - Carmel, IN

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The worst blog assignment:

50 Newspaper Ideas:
Ugh, this assignment we get every time we are about to make the paper. It is sometimes easy, but most of the time hard. Especially now since we are out of ideas, well i am at least. Yes i do know why we do this, but it is still a very big headache. I guess what i have learned from this is to think more creativity,and to stretch my brain more.

Top 3 Blog Assignments:

#1 deep brain simulation:
This whole website is full of all kinds of cool simulations, but my favorite one was the deep brain simulation. It was so real, like you where really there performing the surgery. I want to be a doctor when i grow up, so this assignment interested me the most. I learned a whole lot about brain surgery. You always have to be very sanitary, and take every step carefully. I have actually gone back to do this again over and over again, that's how much i liked it.

This assignment was cool because it was your very own movie. You had all these different characters that you got to choose from to make your movie. It was a whole lot of fun to make a movie,well a short one. I have never made a movie until this assignment. In this assignment i learned what it really takes to make a small film.

Smile Box:
This assignment was all about your family and friends, that is why i liked it. Probably the best part was showing who you really are, and different places that you have been. In this project i learned creativity, and a cool way to display my photos. Smile box is like the ultimate scrape book, that's why it rocks!